Eddie Munson-ST☁️

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Alex's pov:

I was on my way to Eddie's trailer, it was the middle of the night but he wanted me to come over he used a walkie to wake me up, he sounded scared though so I was trying to be quick, after a few minutes I showed up and knocked on the door, he instantly opened the door and pulled me in, I noticed he was on the verge of a panic attack, I pulled him close as we sat down on the couch, he gripped onto me like a toddler and was shaking and breathing heavily, I held him close rubbing his back "it's ok honey...I'm here...is this why you called me over..?" He nodded having tearing in his eyes 'i-i uh...h-had a nightmare a-about-' he started freaking out a bit more "hey....hey..calm down it's ok...you can tell me later ok?" He nodded keeping a tight grip on me, I continued rubbing his back and told him it would be alright, I noticed he was still in his clothes from school earlier that day, "I'm gonna get you some comfortable clothes ok hun..?" He nodded slightly he was a little calmer now which was good, I got up after he let me go and went to his room, I grabbed him some gym shorts and a band t-shirt, I walked back out and handed him the clothes, he got up and changed quickly still shaking and crying a bit, I laid on the couch waiting for him, when he got changed he laid on top of me, gripping on me like a toddler again, I rubbed his back and played with his hair "your ok..I'll be here all night I promise..." He hid his face in my chest I'm guessing someone or me said something similar like that in his nightmare...I felt so bad for him...after a while he calmed down enough to tell me 'y-you we're here h-hanging out with me and when I...when I looked away to grab something...y-you we're cursed b-by vecna...I..I couldn't save you...just like I couldn't save Chrissy...' "honey....that was a long time ago...I know it still scares you..and haunts you but...it's ok now...vecnas gone....this time for good.." I think...I held onto him, he nodded 'i-i know...i-it still worries me..th-that he might come back...' I nodded and pulled him closer kissing him gently "I know honey I know...but it's ok..I promise.." he smiled and calmed down completely, 'thank you sweetheart...' "of course..your my fiance after all" 'i know..' he chuckled softly 'i remember that night...when I proposed to you..' "I remember that night to..when I said yes to your proposal" we both laughed a bit and held each other till we fell asleep

(I'm sorry it short but it's so sweet 😭 also word count is 504)

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