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Facebook for the gods:

T_Ray_Ghost / me : Hi Greek god peoples how's life?

Hades : Ok, but I live with the dead.

Poseidon: I live with the fishies. Oh, and my son is fishie Jesus!😋

Zeus: I wanted to comment first!;(

Me: Wow... ghostking842 was right.*cough cough for once cough cough*

Zeus: about what?

Me: About you being a drama queen.

Zeus: I shall destroy this mortal!!!

Pan: I liked this mortals pig story!🐷

Hephaestus: I like trains!🚂

Demeter: CEREAL!!!!!

Pan: 🙈🙉🙈 peekaboo!

Me: Real mature.
Oh, and I have a question, what are your favorite songs?

Poseidon: 🎶Row, row, row your boat...🎶

Hades: 🎶Dylan's going on a trip across the river Styx...🎶

Me: Hey that's mine, too. (I made up that song for my friend ghostking842 with the little einsteins them.)

Zeus: 🎶 I'm so fancy, you already know...🎶

Me: Should I be surprised ?

Demeter: eh-hm... 🎶 CEREAL, CEREAL, CEREAL!🎶

Pan: 🎶Old McDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O🎶

Me: Umm... good for you.

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