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The day dragged on dreadfully slow and I found myself struggling to contain my desires when Lucien showed up early to my second lecture. Such a good boy.. You listen so well..

In a fortunate yet unfortunate series of events, Lucien was in my first and last class of the day. The highly unfortunate part of this situation though, is the way his eyes tracked me the entire class. Every time I tripped over my words or somehow confused the subjects, I blamed it being the first day and apologized to my students while mentally scolding myself. I couldn't let this continue further. I needed to distract myself and I knew I'd be stopping at Shackles tonight.

Shackles was one of the most popular kink bars in the city if you were in the scene. They had the best shows, the best novelties, a meticulous admission and the best confidentiality. There was bound to be something there that would distract me until I could have him.

I couldn't be more pleased than when the final bell rang. Sitting back down at my desk, I burry my face in my hands and take a deep breath, barely noticing the man standing in front of my desk.

"Um.. Mr. Matthews..?" Sighing, I rub my eyes and look up.

"Yes?" It was Lucien.

"I-if you wouldn't mind?" He slides the same sheet back onto my desk with a sheepish smile. Grabbing a pen, I sign the page and give it back to him with the same tight smile as before. "Thank you, sir." Fuck how I wanted to hear how those words sounded with a sniffle or whimper in his voice.

Ignoring the tension in my slacks, I begin scrolling through my emails for the day. Typical group meetings and some professors ranting in the staff chat over the students they have. Having enough of the drama, I mute the chat and get into preparing the assignments for tomorrow. Organizing them in the order needed, I print them and file them accordingly. The quicker this was done, the quicker I can head to Shackles and release some steam. Advanced psych, Literature, Advanced Sociology.. I don't think I've ever been more grateful for that hour and a half break between literature and sociology. I needed that time to mentally prepare myself for Lucien and his stalking eyes.

My advanced courses lasted 3 hours. This way students had more time to work and study compared to the regular courses that lasted 90 minutes. Twice the workload, half the students; it was odd for some people to think I preferred it this way, but in reality, I'd rather teach 3 diverse courses instead of droning the same script over and over all day.

Finally having everything organized and filed, I shove my laptop into my bag, grab my coat and rush to my car. Once in the comfort of the drivers seat, I message Tony to see if he was coming with me. It was always entertaining going with him.

Me: Shackles tn. You coming?

Boss Bitch: Not tonight.. Going home to sleep
Boss Bitch: Why? What's got you in a bunch?

Me: Old man.

Putting my phone down I ignore the pestering buzz coming from my phone, I put my keys in the ignition and head home to get changed. Taking 30 minutes to get out of formal attire won't do much damage. Showered, changed and fed, I grab my keys and head out with anticipation. Whiskey first, show after.

Shackles was a hidden bar. From the street view, it appeared to be a regular, closed building. From the alleyway, you could clearly make out a second entrance that lead into the bar. Nodding to the bouncers, I make my way in and breathe in the familiar scent of sex, booze and cigarette smoke. It was a fairly quiet night since it was only Monday, but the scene continued as normal regardless. Music played in the background while purple and red lights spun around the room, drowning out the dimmed LED bars anchored into the roof. The entire club was organized in such a way that the space was maximized. Booths lined one wall, while the bar lined the other. In the middle, a dance floor was left open and to the far back was a stage for shows and scenes. By the stage was a hallway. Depending on which way you turned, you'd either find yourself at the washrooms or the playrooms for patrons that got a little too eager to wait.

As the night went on, more people came, but my attention stayed on the shows. Unfortunately, my peace was disturbed when I overheard what seemed to be a woman trying to force herself on another patron. My face paled as I neared and recognized the voice to be my student.

"Oh c'mon babes, I can tell you're needy from that last show. I've watched you sit here all squirmy the entire night! Lemme help you!" She persists, a slight slur in her voice.

"N-No! Just fuck off already! I-I'm not interested!"

"Stop playing hard to get." She slurs, trying to lean towards him.

"He said he's not interested. Leave him alone." I interrupt, flagging down a bouncer. I watch Lucien's entire body stiffen, scared to turn around. The woman, angered that she was interrupted creates a scene, suddenly wailing as she clutches her face. The music immediately dies down as the bouncer hurries over, all eyes on us.

"She was trying to force herself onto him.. I don't know what the fuck all this is though." I tell the bouncer, gesturing to her dramatics.

"N-No!" She wails. "I- I was trying to talk to this darling h-here when that m-man got aggressive and put his hands on me!" At hearing those words, most of the other regulars scoff and turn away, knowing I wouldn't. The bouncer knows I wouldn't either, but regardless, he turns to Lucien. The poor boy shrinks under the attention and shakes his head, trying to find the courage to speak up.

"She's been t-trying to force herself on me all night.. H-He overheard and stepped in." He mumbles. He needed to stop mumbling. With all the information the bouncer needed, he begins to escort the bitch outside of the bar while the music slowly comes back up. Lucien, still stiff as a board refuses to turn around and instead tries to escape the situation.

"T-thanks.. anyways.. bye!" Before he could take off, I grab his wrist and spin him around.

"Isn't this against your parole? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're stalking me." He shakes his head, refusing to look at me. I swear to gods, this boy did every pet peeve I had. Grabbing his chin, I force him to look at me.

"First of all, look at someone when they're talking to you, its rude not to. Second of all, use your words." He pulls himself from my grasp, before looking at me with attitude swirling in his eyes.

"Its not against my probation to go out and drink. I just can't do anything that would get me in shit.. My officer checks in once a week, otherwise, I'm allowed to go out and exist like anyone else." His tone was more than snarky, as he raised his pant leg to show his ankle monitor before crossing his arms. Brat.

While he makes his way towards the bar, I follow him. I could use a refill.

"Why does it matter to you anyways? It's not like you're my dom." What a different personality outside of school.

"No, I'm not. If I was, I'd have done a bunch of shit differently." I copy him and take a seat on a barstool and order my drink.

"Oh please.. Like what?" He scoffs. There's no way that this is the same stuttering student I teach. But that's fine, two can play this game.

"Well, for starters, I wouldn't have left you unattended in a bar like this.. I'd also spank that fucking attitude out of you if you were my sub and decided to speak to me that way." I watched him stiffen as he remembered his place.

"Sorry.." He mumbles, playing with his rings.

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