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"Let me drive you home." I insist.

It was past midnight and the bar would be closing soon. I had classes to teach in the morning and he had classes to attend. I didn't feel comfortable leaving him here alone after what happened earlier, but his desire to argue was greater.

"I'm fine.. Stop fussing over me and go home. I'll take a cab." He drank twice as much as I did and his words were bordering a slur while I was sobering up.

"You will not. You can barely speak properly. Accept the offer so you can go home and sleep this off." Even though he was insistent that he'd call a cab, he still followed me outside the bar.

"Yes dad." He mocks, following me to my car. Grinding my teeth, I open the door for him and close it once he's inside. Walking around to the driver's seat, I pull out my phone and shut the door behind me.

"What's your address?" He looks over at me, offended.

"You don't know where your own mother lives?" No words could describe how tempting it was to smack that smirk off his face. Tossing my phone onto the dashboard, I grab his jaw and lean in.

"Listen here, little boy; my sub or not, your attitude is making it very tempting to bend you over my knee and fix it myself. So instead, why don't you save everyone the trouble and tell me where you live so I can get you home safely." Suddenly, he's far less confident, the smirk gone in an instant. Gulping, he nods and tries to pull away. I don't let him though, my grip tightening on his jaw ever so slightly.

"Words." I grit.

"Y-Yes sir.." Letting go of him, I smile and pat his head.

"Good boy!" I muse. "Now, where do you live?" His face flushes as he stutters out his address. Back to his timid self, I don't miss the fact that he was fidgeting with his sleeves while I drove.

"What's on your mind?" I ask, taking a left. He shakes his head as an attempt to avoid conversation but ends up speaking anyways, his anxieties overpowering his will to stay quiet.

"Y-You wouldn't actually.. Y'know..?"

"I do not know." I respond, toying with him. Taking another left, I begin to recognize the area and realize that he isn't too far away from where I live.

"You wouldn't actually um.. sp-spank me.. right?"

"With that attitude? If you were my sub and it wasn't a hard limit, I most certainly fucking would; ass raw and red." I could tell that wasn't the answer he was expecting but I had no intention of lying, so I try to lighten the mood. "Why? Fantasizing about your teachers hands on your ass?" Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his face darken at the comment. He shakes his head vigorously as we pull into his neighborhood. All I could do is chuckle at his reaction, parking in front of an apartment building.

"Here we are."

"T-Thank you.. Have a good night." He sputters, rushing to get out of the car. I watch him trip and stumble up to the main entrance and fight with his keys until he manages to get the door open and close it behind himself. Little shit better not be late to my class because he drank too much.

Driving back to my house, I don't bother climbing the stairs to my room, deciding to sleep on the couch instead.


The next morning was as boring as usual, however Lucien actually managed to be on time today. I could tell last night played on repeat in his mind every time he looked at me. The poor guy was bright red almost all morning. When my spare rolled around, Tony wandered in to eat lunch with me, planting himself cross-legged on my desk, like he always does, regardless of how many times I chewed him out for it.

"Sooo..? How was the club?" He asks, setting his lunch down on my desk before rummaging through his bag to retrieve a saran-wrapped sandwich and handing it to me.

"Fine." I respond.

"What got you in a bunch yesterday?" He teases. He knew something.

"This work environment." I grumble, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Interesting.. Because, I happened to have a student of yours in my office today." Catching my attention, I put my food down to look up at him. "See, a little.. Crow.. was in my office today, asking to change classes. Refused to give a reason as to why, but judging by the way his face turned bright red every time he mentioned your name, I had a hunch."

"Wait.. So what happened then?"

"Ohhh, so something did happen!" He snickers. I give him a deadpanned look, earning a chuckle.

"Nothing happened." He responded. "Without an actual reason, I cant transfer him. Besides, your classes are the only ones with open slots." He gives me a pointed look.

"It would be pointless to pull him from courses that he'd have to return to later on, unless he wants to wait until next year in hopes that he has better luck with another teacher." I sigh in relief. I'd have to talk to him after class. We spend the rest of my spare period talking about upcoming meetings and school events, and as the bell rings, Tony claps his hands together and climbs off my desk.

"That's my cue." I wave to him as students file in, not missing the anxious smile that Lucien gives his principal.

The class drags on dreadfully slow, while I have to repeat the same statement over and over, occasionally scolding students who weren't paying attention or scrolling on their phones. I did my best to keep my attention away from Lucien, but I couldn't miss the anxiety radiating off of him. Guilt flooded me every time I saw his pencil shaking, his foot tapping or I caught him fidgeting with his sleeve under his desk. Taking a deep breath, I dismiss the class as the bell rings, waiting for him to approach me. Walking over, he gives me a tight smile as he slides the sheet onto my desk. I watch as his hands immediately dart to each other, fidgeting with his rings.

"Listen.. If I made you uncomfortable last night or overstepped, I sincerely apologize.. That was extremely out of line and equally as inappropriate." His eyes are wide as they dart up to mine for a split second.

"N-No. Its o-okay.. I- I.. I was pu-pushing-" His stutter was worsening by the second and I could tell by the way that his focus was entirely on his hands fidgeting with his rings that he was trying desperately to regulate himself.

"Lucien." I interrupt, leaning over the desk to put my hand over his. He looks up at me like a deer in headlights, stopping himself mid sentence. "Take a deep breath." He does as he's told, but it comes out more like a strangled gasp.

"Try again." I encourage. This one sounds more like an actual breath and I wait for him to try again, encouraging him to continue until his breathing was steady and his fidgeting decreased. Leaning back in my chair, I look up at him.

"Okay, now run that by me one more time." Realizing that he has my full and undivided attention, I could tell he was uncomfortable and struggling to keep eye contact.

"I-It's.." He stops and takes another breath. "It's not your fault.. I-I was pushing buttons and b-boundaries last night.. Y-your reaction w-was fair.."

"Regardless, it was still out of line and inappropriate.. I mean, I made you so uncomfortable that you went to my boss to try and transfer classes!" His eyes widened.

"I- That's- That's not why I wanted to transfer.." Raising a brow, I wait for him to continue. "I cant stop thinking about last night and it's making it hard to focus.." He mumbles. Dear gods, I wanted to scold him for it. "You didn't get in trouble, did you?" I hum in response.

"Mmm.. absolutely.. So much trouble that I got a spanking of my own." I tease, watching his face burn red.

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