Chapter 2

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So guys expect a lot of changes.

I did not understand a thing in this file. Have been going through it for the past 1hour. My phone started buzzing. I checked the caller ID and it was my father.
"Assalamualaikum son" my dad said.
"Dad why did you call?" I wanted him to go straight to the point.
"Don't be rude. Anyways is about the marriage proposal we sent" fuck, why does he have to ruin my mood.
"What about it?" I asked irritatedly.
"It is a yes, so get ready on Friday you are getting married" he said and cut the call, leaving no room for argument. Shit, I sighed and relax back on my seat. Why does he always have to spoil my mood. This old man will never give me a breathing space.
"what's up with you guy?" my friend said as he entered and sat down.

"My dad just spoiled my mood" I blasted out.

"About the marriage stuff" he asked

"Yes, what do you want me to tell Flora, break up with her or what"

"What the hell guy, that girl is nothing but a gold digger and you were never with her before, she was just a fling." he said with anger in his voice.

"I don't care, all I know is that she still proves useful and befit my standards, So please stop bad mouthing her".

"Really guy you are such an asshole, that girl is nothing but a cheap slut".

"Really, so you really hate her".

"She irritates me".

"let just drop this issue" I said irritatedly.

"Better" he said and we started discussing some random issue.

Aisha's p o v

I laid on my bed, looking up at the ceiling . I was emotionally disturbed, but all of them keep on repeating the same thing. I slept without eating that night. Keeping all thought away from my mind. Because I really don't joke with two things, my awesome sleep and my delicious food.


I finished praying and I folded my mat. I went outside my room to the compound. It was still dark, because it was around 5:40am. I was still in the compound when my father and brothers came back from masjid.
My father looked at me and went to his room. Ya Allah help me, he is still angry.

"Gimbiya, what are you doing outside by this time". Ya umar said. Both of them sat near me.

"Nothing, I Just don't feel like sleeping".

"Is unlike you, because you don't joke with your sleep" Ya Abass said and they both nodded. I slapped Ya Abass hand lightly.

"so you are trying to call me sleepy head".

"Yes of course" I looked at them and smiled.

"I really wanna control my sleeping habit".

"Nice start don't you think so Umar" he nodded in agreement with him.

"Baba told you anything?" I asked.

"Yes he told us about him borrowing money to make some arrangements on Friday when they are coming".

"Arrangements Kuma"

"kinga(you see), you are getting married on that same Friday". He dropped the bomb..

"Friday Kuma, but he said they will just come to visit ne fa".

"You just have to agree to whatever baba wants" Ya umar said and they both get up living me like a statue.

"O my Allah this can't be happening to me, a total stranger fa. What is Baba doing to me". I said as tears continue running down my cheeks. I entered   my room, locked myself and started crying, I was emotionally  disturbed.
"Aisha Baba nakira". I went out of my room to the sitting room.

HATE TO LOVE HIM (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now