Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

"You didn't think I'd forget my favorite prisoner, did you, Dragontooth?" the elf gloated from above.

Red hot anger coursed through my veins, stabbing me in the gut. "I was wondering when we'd meet again," I called to him. "You have something of mine. I'll be wanting that back now."

His rough, nasally laugh echoed off the cliffs. "Completely surrounded and still so arrogant. You truly are your father's daughter."

"Arrogance is something your kind is all too familiar with, isn't it, elf?"

He laughed again. "It's not arrogance if we truly are superior."

"Right," I said. "See what I mean about arrogance."

"I didn't come here to exchange witty banter with you, Dragontooth," he snapped. "There is a lovely prison cell waiting for you in the Imperial City. If I manage to get you there without killing you myself." He looked to his fellow Thalmor agents. "Kill the rest, but capture her," he pointed to me, "alive. The emperor wants her to be brought in alive. He has plans for her."

I certainly didn't like the sound of that.

In an instant, we dropped to the ground, rolling as we unsheathed our weapons. Karliah was a blur as she knocked an arrow and shot it into the throat of the nearest Thalmor.

Suddenly, a howl filled the night sky, rattling me to my very core. It was so loud, even the Thalmor were momentarily stunned. They peered into the darkness, forgetting all about us for the moment. Even I was too stunned to take advantage.

Then a pair of bright yellow eyes appeared. A menacing growl followed.

A massive wolf, the size of a bear, lunged out of the foliage and leapt onto the nearest Thalmor. He screamed until the wolf ripped out his throat. As it rose from its prey, I realized that this was no ordinary wolf. It rose until it was on its two hind legs. It was a werewolf.

It howled again, the sheer volume nearly knocking me back.

Then one word came from beyond the darkness, "ATTACK!" A dozen people leapt into view brandishing swords and axes and maces. All charging at the Thalmor.

The two forces met with the clashes of steel against steel. My blade found its way into the heart of a Thalmor.

An arrow whizzed past my ear. I turned and was met with a Thalmor, standing with his sword raised, but an arrow lodged deep in his throat. Blood spluttered out of his mouth as he fell, a drop landing on my cheek. I spun back around and saw my savior walking out of the foliage, a bow in his hand.

"Amelsa," he greeted with his usual smirk. "It's been a while."

My breath caught in my throat. "Rhythe."

He knocked another arrow and shot it over my shoulder. I couldn't even wince. The fact that he was here, standing in front of me... There were no words.

"Stop staring," he snapped. "Get to work!"

That seemed to snap me out of whatever daze I was in. I launched into action fighting alongside Rhythe and the others. The others, I quickly realized, were the Companions. I looked to the werewolf fending off three Thalmor at once. Which made that beast, my sister. Half-sister, I corrected myself.

I leapt out of the way of a lightning attack from one of the elves and threw my dagger at him, burying it in his chest. He stopped long enough for me to rush him and slash his gut open. I yanked my dagger out of his chest as he fell, slipping on his entrails.

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