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Hello everyone!

I'm sorry if you were expecting a new chapter, but I just wanted to apologize to all those waiting for an update.  I haven't forgotten about Daughter to Dragons, I promise.  In fact, this is the first time I've been on Wattpad in a long time.  It's just the past few months have been very difficult and very busy.  And I felt like I owed you guys an explanation since you've been sticking with me this far and I haven't done anything to reciprocate.  So my sincerest apologies to everyone who's waiting for a new chapter.

I'm doing a massive overhaul for Plight of an Empire as well as working on a new story, and as a result I've put this one on the backburner.  But with some luck (and a whole lot of concentration), I'll have a new chapter up by the end of the week!

Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you continue to enjoy Daughter to Dragons.

I love you guys!

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