A favour and a popcicle to stay

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A peaceful Sunday morning in August 2011 Jakob is having breakfast with Fury, means Fury drinks his third cup of (Washington D.C. roast) coffee and Jakob his sixth cup of earl grey (one bush grown) like healthy adults they are.

 "I want to use the favour you own me from the incident and use the house for a film shoot. An PR flick about Captain America and in wich kind of area he grow up, how his home looked like and things like that. I would need it only this Monday for one day  because our other location dropped out

"He is from Brooklyn not from Greenwich Village, my rooms are a little bit to expensive and german style furnished to pass as Steve Rogers old home."

"We will use the rooms under the roof and the outdoor shots are in Brooklyn. You made a Museum like makeshift appartment from the forties out of that floor with furniture from the closed museum just to save it from the landfill."

"It is a piece of history about surviving I couldnt otherwise. The rest of my house is no museum I have no problem with living in this century, I have a PC and Gaming room. You can use it I will just sleep on my boat and visit the new Popcicle bar by the Central Park and will come back on Tuesday"

Fury thought about the codename 20 Century for Jakobs house and the jokes from Hill and Coulson that Jakob is a time traveller while drinking his coffee.

Mr PR looks up from his paperwork to see his "voluntarily" host in the eyes "By Jakob and try to stear clear of trouble it was enough work to handle the last incident."

"I just had a little problem with a man who tried to kidnap a child it was tottaly self defence. I just hold him tight till the police came, didnt knew that he had brittle bones."

Jakob pack his things and than leaves his house. "By Fury see you Tuesday, keep my house intact."

"Brittle bones my ass, that was a HYDRA agent you are just to oblivious." Fury says after Jakob was gone and he start remembering the incident that happenend a few weeks prior while Jakob walked trough New York:

Jakob was wandering trough the central park and saw a child not older than 10 months been  carried away from the playground by an man in black clothes looking like an soldier. The Child was crying and after the man was stopped by Jakob to know what is going on it happend. The HYDRA agent laid the child on the ground, reached for a knive and attacked him. Jakob hold fast his arms and squezed, (still under shock of the attack) on both arms you could see ulna and radius stick out the skin. Mr Kidnapper fainted and the police took him to the hospital.After his statment Jakob was free to go trough help from Fury, Jakob didnt know how he helped him as PR Agent but took the help with out asking further.

Unknown to him S.H.I.E.L.D. tought of him as a possible hazard. Fury had to bend a few laws to keep it all under the rug and out of the system, he didnt tought that Jakob could be a hazard and it is always better to keep the gentle giant oblivious from the danger in this world and their link to Fury. It is always good when he could help one of the few people he trust with his life even if he didnt trust him to dont get lost in his own house.

After controlling  trough the tracker that Jakob left for good he calls Coulson to give the mission a go. "We can start moving him to the location and start with the awakening preparations."  A Truck arrived at Jakobs house and Agents  moved different equipment till Monday morning to prepare for for Operation thawing.

Its Monday noon and you can see Captain America/Steve Rogers laying on the bed  in a room looking like a field hospital slowly waking up while a broadcast about the allied victory plays via radio. By his side stand a soldier in Uniform from the forties  reading a old New York Times. Rogers open his eyes and asks while sitting up:

"What time is it and where am I soldier"

"You are in a Hospital in New York its a few days later than your crash with the Walküre"

Captain America jumps from the bed to the Agent pressing  him against the wall.

"And your are reading a 2 month old newspaper while this room smell nothing like a hospital and you have a bad copied Uniform with US army top and airforce trousers. Where are we really?"

With this situation Fury enters the room to clear the picture for the Captain and proceed to remove the curtains from the windows. "Hello Captain Rogers, I am director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. the successor of the S.S.R. we tried to take it slow for you with the new situation and all the changes." Rogers let the Agent loose while looking trought the window at the Washington Square Park. Steve Rogers jumps out of the window onto the lawn and stands still after seeing a commercial blimp for the knew M&M Brownies.

 "You laid on ice for almost seventy years after the crash. Thanks to the serum you survived at the North Pole and after decades of searching we finally found you. Sorry that it destroyed the plans you had." Nick says while keeping a save distance from Rogers.

"I had a date." he says while re entering the house with a concerned face. Both site down in the Kitchen and Fury pours them both coffee.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. will help you with everything and we will find you a nice appartment after an short adjustment period to get mostly  back on track."

"I like it here, its better to start in a part of New York where I dont have so much memories from the past."

Fury grins while thinking about how Jakob will react to have Captain America living here for a while. They will need a bigger coffee machine.

"Then we found your knew appartment, you will also have a landlord who can help you with things, I think you will both understand each other just fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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