Chapter 1

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Gabriel had explained everything carefully to his son. He told Adrien why he was doing it. That it was for their family but Adrien didn't buy it. Not anymore. The truth he came to know just a few days before made him re-evaluate his father's motivations.

Gabriel was now standing straight, trying to make Adrien obey as he usually did. He tried to manipulate him into joining him but it didn't work. Not with Adrien now staring at him through hate-filled eyes.

"You will stand by me in this plan" Gabriel stated grabbing one of his fingers. Upon touching the skin his jaw dropped and a surprised, almost scared expression appeared on his face. Adrien almost snorted before speaking, gripping the ring resting in his pocket.

"So it's true?" his eyes teared up as he saw the fear on his father's face. "I'm a sentimonster." he didn't ask. He didn't have to ask after Nathalie's demonstration with the ring. He gripped it even tighter reminding himself that he now held the power to decide.

"How did you..." Gabriel looked at his son wide-eyed, not quite finding his voice.

"Félix. He told me everything" Adrien was crying but his voice showed no emotion. He couldn't stop his tears but he was still Adrien Agreste the best actor in Paris. He didn't have to even think about pretending to be cold and emotionless.

He also remembered what Nathalie asked of him. Félix would never tell him something like that unless he got something in exchange. His father couldn't know that the information was given to him out of love and not just because of gain. That is why Adrien said Félix. He wasn't sure whether Félix actually knew anything but judging from his father's gritted teeth, he did.

"Yes, you are a sentimonster." After a minute Gabriel gathered his thoughts and finally answered. Just like Adrien, he was still Gabriel Agreste. He wasn't going to let something get to him so easily. "Now be a good boy and give me back my ring" Before Adrien could do anything a red blur grabbed him and zipped him away from the basement and his father.

He knew who it was. No one else had the ability to travel the way she did and yet Adrien didn't believe his senses. It was too good to be true. How did she find him? He immediately realized that it was probably thanks to Nathalie. "How much did she tell her?" he wondered as they landed on a rooftop.

"Adrien?" Ladybug's voice broke, reminding Adrien more of Marinette than anyone else. He turned toward her and saw that Ladybug was devastated and only moments away from a meltdown. Forgetting his thoughts Adrien stood up and hugged his crush as firmly as he dared.

Her body was shaking almost violently but not from crying. Adrien didn't understand her reaction until he heard her choking back some tears. She was sad. And knowing Ladybug, Adrien really hoped she wasn't detesting him or contemplating removing his amok. "No" he shook the idea off. He knew Ladybug and she was the most compassionate person after Marinette he knew.

"How much did you hear?" Adrien asked more interested in what Nathalie had told her than what she heard from his father.

"How dare he" she whispered as her tears watered Adrien's shirt. Adrien's Chat instincts kicked in. Not paying attention to what he was doing or saying, he knelt down with Ladybug still in his arms. "He abused you... He..." her voice broke.

How was she more devastated than him? He had no answers but he knew that she needed him now more than ever. And her words reassured him. She was angry for him.

"It's okay M'lady. I'm here for you," he whispered into Ladybug's ears while gently petting her head.

A few moments went by with only Ladybugs sobbing as a sound before she inhaled sharply and pushed herself away from Adrien. Not realizing his mistake, Adrien looked at her, confused as to why she suddenly changed her behavior. Confusion and fear chased each other in her eyes as Adrien held her gaze.

"Wh... what did you just... call me?"  Adrien's eyes went wide with realization and he could feel his brain trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. All he could come up with were insults to himself though, constantly circling back to „Now you've done it".

"Adrien, What did you call me?" Ladybug started to regain her confidence as realization seemed to dawn on her.

He knew he couldn't get out of this hole but he couldn't decide whether he wanted to or not. He was going to need her clear-headed in a fight but he was waiting too long to tell her. He searched her eyes and found that she was terrified of finding out. And that made him want to take back his words.

"I... I called you M'lady" he slowly said looking at his hands. He felt an odd mix of guilt and relief. He knew Ladybug didn't want them to know yet but he didn't want to lie.

"So you..." she didn't finish the sentence.

"Sorry Bugaboo..." when Ladybug didn't scold him for saying the nickname he continued. „I know you didn't want us to know each other's identities, and I certainly didn't mean for you to find out this way you were just... so devastated and my Chat instincts kicked in, I... I'm sorry."

"We'll deal with this later. Right now, we have to deal with your situation" Ladybug clearly regained some of her footing, although her voice still wasn't the old superhero. Once again it reminded Adrien of Marinette more than Ladybug.

It wasn't the first time he connected the two people in his mind. He wasn't sure of it though and after what he just did, he didn't want to ask. It was going to be hard enough for her to focus knowing he was Adrien. Knowing he was fragile.

"Hey Kitty" a snap and Ladybug's voice brought him back to the present. „Do you know where your amok is?" Ladybug asked when Adrien looked up at her. Instead of answering he held up the ring, Nathalie gave him. Ladybug was still not a hundred percent.

She only nodded and he could see her tears resurfacing. She looked back towards the Agreste mansion and he followed her gaze. She was planning on going back. Although they didn't have an actual psychic bond sometimes it felt that way.

He looked toward Ladybug. He knew whatever he said wouldn't convince the heroine not to go now, so he did the only thing he could. He transformed. His role was to protect the Ladybug holder and he was going to do that no matter what it cost. Right now, he had to go with her so he could be there when she ran into the brick wall Chat could already see.

So when she zipped away he followed her without a word.


Hi there,

This story is a fanfiction starting after the season 4 episode Dearest family.
Hope you enjoy reading it, although be warned it isn't nice and there is some heavy things in it.

Let me know what you think.

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