Chapter 6

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This chapter is built around my idea of how Adrien would/could pull Marinette just a bit above water. I myself never had suicidal tendencies so I might be wrong in how I write about it. Please if you think I should change something tell me either in the comments or in DM. I won't get upset because I know I'm not an expert on the topic. Also, if it wasn't clear this chapter contains contemplation of someone's suicide (in a poetic way but it still is a huge part). Sorry for the long intro, enjoy the chapter:

Marinette felt the slight breeze on her skin and heard the roar of the waterfall. Her mind was racing with thoughts. She remembered falling asleep on top of the Eiffel tower. It was raining yes, but what she heard was a waterfall. She could also feel sunlight on her skin and grass under her as she put her hands down.

She knew she had to be dreaming but it all felt way too real. And the sound of the waterfall was too soothing to her ears. It called to her in a way she couldn't understand yet she almost stood up and ran toward it. Almost. As she looked up her eyes met with a hand extended out for her to grab it.

"Princess," the owner said before Marinette could find his face and identify him. Her eyes shot up to meet his emerald ones at the nickname.

"A... Adrien?" She couldn't move let alone think straight. It wasn't possible and yet he was standing right there, warm and real.

They stared at each other for a long moment with Adrien smiling down at her. Marinette couldn't stay frozen for long and her head fell back onto her knees. Silent tears streamed out of her eyes to wet her jeans. She could hear Adrien sit down beside her before he wrapped an arm around her. She didn't waste any time in throwing both her arms around the boy to now make his shirt wet instead of her pants.

"It's okay My lady. I'm here now" there was an undertone of sadness in Adrien's soothing tone. Marinette's mind now ran a mile a minute.

"Did I do it after all?" she whispered. "Did I..." her voice broke.

"Not really. Or not yet." the voice was unfamiliar to Marinette, so she pulled away from Adrien to look up at the newcomer. "You have amazing friends little bug" the blonde woman smiled at her.

"Marinette, this is my mother," Adrien said. "Mother, this is Marinette Dupaint-Cheng. The girl who saved my life" Marinette felt her tears surface once more.

Adrien stood up and offered a hand to Marinette who tried to push her tears down. She knew she'd be crying enough when she woke up. Adrien smiled at her as he pulled her up. "Just like Chat," she thought as she looked at the smirk on the golden boy's face.

"It wasn't your fault Princess. You were trying to keep me alive" Adrien said leading Marinette somewhere. She only now looked around to see where they were.

They were in a valley surrounded by mountains higher than Marinette ever saw. It was green and full of trees. She saw animals walking around and a creek in the middle. There was a waterfall behind them, but they were going in the opposite direction. She felt oddly uncomfortable going that way. She stopped and looked back toward the waterfall. The enticing call was still present although less so than before Adrien showed up.

"Marinette?" Adrien looked at her with understanding. He squeezed her hand so she'd look at him. "We can stay here if you'd like,"

"Where is here?" Marinette asked to get her mind off of the threat she felt from the waterfall.

"For now, it doesn't matter." Adrien sat down and petted the grass beside him. "I wanted to talk to you anyway."

Marinette sat down and silence fell between them once more. Adrien's Mother left them t themselves, Although there weren't too many places she could go to, so she was still in sight. Marinette felt Grateful that Adrien sat in a way that she could choose where to face. She was currently sitting in front of the boy so that her back was to the pond. Somehow it reminded her of all the possibilities she had and that made her want to get away from it.

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