Chapter 7

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As the Fiat trundled down the cobbled streets of Milan, they hit a bump and Ruby's head slid off Goemon's shoulder and landed in his lap. It was like a bolt of lightning struck the samurai, and sent a shock that started at his toes and fired straight up to the top of his head. But Goemon had only to bear this embarrassing and distressing moment for a few brief seconds before the flickering of the pink sunrise danced across the eyelids of the sleeping girl and awoke her with its dazzle.

"Nnn... huh?"

Ruby sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Wait, we're here?" Ruby blinked as she gazed out the window and into the streets of Milan. "We're here!" she exclaimed excitedly. "Lu! Why didn't you tell me!" she said, reaching up and flicking his ear.

"Ite te te! I did tell you. But who knew how deep of a sleeper you were?"

But he couldn't be annoyed with her, especially with how energetic, excited, and positively vivacious she was in that moment, particularly when she stood on the seat to peek out through the sunroof and look behind them. In his rearview mirror, Lupin was granted a rather delightful view of her ass, clad in those tight denim shorts.


Goemon, however, did his best to scoot over, as far as he could, from Ruby's bare legs. Jigen glanced at her briefly. "Well, she's certainly enjoying herself."

As Ruby balanced on the back seat, her upper half sticking out the Fiat's open sun roof, she gazed in bedazzlement at the sights that surrounded them; the winding cobblestone streets, the tall buildings, the spires of the cathedral in the distance. This was Italy. This was Milan.

Ruby's face was the epitome of innocent excitement as she shouted out into the streets, "BUON GIORNO, ITALIA!"

Passing cars honked their horns at her in greeting. Passengers boarding a trolley whistled at her. Cat-calls erupted from men on the street. A young man found himself so enamored by her that he crashed his bicycle into a bus stop bench.

Italy was the land of love, and right then, Ruby, with the pink morning sun rising above the spires of the cathedral and turning her crimson hair to fire, was looking like the goddess of beauty. And every man on their morning commute was thirsty.

A white Gran Turismo convertible pulled up alongside the Fiat. The occupants were four teenage boys about Ruby's age. They smiled and waved at her, and Ruby smiled and waved back.

"Il mio oroscopo ci ha indovinato," said the driver in Italian. My horoscope just came true... "...diceva che ti avrei incontrato oggi!" It said I would meet you today.

"Um..." said Ruby, uncertainly, but she kept smiling oh so innocently, which certainly wasn't helping the situation.

Continuing to address her in Italian, the boys called out, "Why don't you ditch the old men and come with us, sexy baby?"

"Sorry," said Ruby politely. "I'm afraid my Italian isn't very good. Could you repeat?"

Jigen exchanged a glance with Lupin. "Did you hear what he said?"

Lupin grinned, almost deviously. "I certainly did."

Lupin leaned out the window and addressed the boys. "Ehi! Non essere scortese! Ti sembra il viso di un vecchio?" He spoke in fluent Italian, pointing to his face, with a questioning expression. 'Hey! Don't be rude!' he'd said. 'Does this look like the face of an old man to you?'

Ruby didn't know what was going on, so she asked Jigen, "What are they saying?"

Jigen didn't reply. He just slumped further in his seat, taking a drag on his mangled cigarette.

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