Chapter 16

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(Jack's POV)

Upon arrival at the hotel, Peyton got phone call. When I looked at her screen it said, "GibGab💗."

"Yeah?" She answered the phone.
"Oh yeah. Okay."
"We'll be there," she laughed and hung up.

"Jack, Gabby is getting released from the hospital and she wants us to bring her clothes and bring her home to surprise everyone!"

"Okay! You can get her clothes cause, uh, ya know..." She giggled at me. She nodded and dragged me up the stairs with her.

"Why not the elevator?" I whined.

"Cause we are capable..."


(Peyton's POV)

When we got to my room, I ripped open Gabby's suitcase and got her a change of clothes.

"Uhhh, Peyton? Are these yours?" I heard Jack ask. I turned around and almost fainted. He was holding a pair of my pink lace VS underwear with the tip of his finger, smirking slightly.

"OMG. Give me those! Jack!"

"Don't worry... I find them pretty, uh, you know-"

"Jack. Let's stop this conversation before it gets any more intimate."

"Uh, yeah. Okay." Well this is embarrassing. "You done?"

"Yeah, let's go you little hormonal boy."

"Sorry!" He laughed. "Those were actually kinda hot..."

"Oh my gosh. Could this any worse?"


"Nope. Stop. I shouldn't have asked."

"Okay." I knew he was smiling just by the way he said it.

(Skylar's POV)

Today, me and Carter are just walking the streets. Stopping only once to get hotdogs. That's what he wanted, so he got it.

We were walking down the sidewalk in a park. It was beautiful. There were children playing, dogs playing, and people walking, relaxing. While we were walking, Carter slipped his hand into mine. I smiled and looked down at our hands.

"Excuse me." a small voice said from behind us. Next thing I know, there's a small girl walking out in front of us. Her head came to my waist and she had long brown, curly hair. She had crystal blue eyes and rosy cheeks. She was a beautiful child.

"Can you help me find my mommy?" She said. Oh my gosh, she's precious! Carter looked down and smiled sweetly. He crouched down so he was at her level and said, "Sure sweety! Do you know where your mom went?"

She shook her head and started to cry.

"Hey, hey. Don't worry! We will find your mommy, right Skylar?" He said looking at me. I nodded and smiled. He picked her up and she stopped crying. "What's your name?"

"Maggie," she said smiling, showing her missing front tooth. "I think my mom went to the bathroom..."

"Okay, do you know her number?" He asked. She pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket. "Here, I think."

I grabbed the paper and pulled out my phone. The number was scribbled on it.

1-890-789-6789 (A/N: not a real number. Don't be a stupid and call it.)

I dialed it and it rang twice before a woman picked up,


"Yes is this the mother of Maggie..." I forgotten to get her last name.

"Oh my goodness! Yes! Have you found her? Is she with you?"

"Yes, we will meet you by the fountain at the park. Is that okay?"

"That's wonderful. Thank you," she said and hung up.

"Carter, she said we could meet her at the fountain in the middle of the park."

"Okay. Maggie, let's go find your mommy!" Maggie started clapping and squealing with laughter. It was so adorable how he was so good with kids.

When we arrived at the fountain, Maggie squealed, "Mommy!"

"Oh my goodness Maggie! Don't run off like that!" A middle aged woman said. She was barely 5'4" and really pretty.

"Sorry, I just wanted to play with the puppies..."

"It's okay. As long as you're here now, it doesn't matter... Oh my gosh. Thank you guys so much! Can I get your names?"

"I'm Skylar Moore and this is Carter Reynolds." I smiled.

"Okay. I'll remember that!"



"Bye Lisa! Bye Maggie! It was nice meeting you guys!" Carter said. We waved and walked away.

"That little girl was nice," I smiled.

"Yeah," he said, smiling,"she was."

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