Chapter 28

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(Peyton's POV)

"Let's go to breakfast!" I said.

"Okay," Jack nodded. I've been kinda upset this morning. Johnson won't talk to me and I don't know why. He wouldn't talk to me yesterday before the meeting, he just walked away. And then, this morning, I bid him a good morning and he answered me with a 'yeah' and I didn't even ask him anything. He walked away after that too.... He's talking to everyone, but me.

Speaking of the devil, it's Aaron and Johnson... Walking down the hall...

"Good mor-," I started, but was soon cut off.

"Peyton. I need to talk to you." Johnson said.

"Uh, okay." Jack looked kinda uneasy about the situation. I looked at him and gave him a reassuring smile, telling him that I could do this.

Me and Johnson walked away from Jack and Aaron, down another hall.

"O-okay, I don't really know how to say it..." He states. He looks upset, conflicted.

"Johnson, just say it!" I said impatiently.

"Fuck, this was a bad idea." He said. Oh my god... Say it!

"Okay, uh, Peyton... I, um, I like you... A lot." Oh my god, take it back!

"Oh... Um, what?" I asked, not really sure why I asked the question.

"I like you..." He says slowly, "I like like you."

"Johnson," I said, sympathetically.

"Don't patronize me! I understand that there's nothing I can do about it. You're Jack's girlfriend, I need to respect that." He says, looking down.

"Um, thanks." I said.

"Yeah... Uh- Oh, sorry for ruining your morning."

"You didn't ruin my morning. Thank you for telling me," I smiled. He grinned and nodded.

"You're welcome!"

(Gracie's POV)

"Hey, babe." Matt said while kissing my cheek.

"Hi," I said, "are you goin' to breakfast?"

He laughed, "Yeah."

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"Your accent. It's so stinking cute," he said, pinching my red cheeks.

"Matthew..." I whined and pouted. He then took it upon himself to kiss my pouted lips. I smiled.

"You know that you could just call me 'Matt'," he said.

"Nah. I want to be the only one to call you Matthew!" I said.

"Oh, well if its you then I guess you can call me whatever the hell you want and it wouldn't make me like you any less," he said.

I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Such a cheeseball!"

"Can't help it," he said, cutely.

(Gabby's POV)

"Shawn!" I squealed as he picked me up over his shoulder. How did we even end up like this?

"Gabrielle!" He mimicked me, knowing it would probably annoy me.

"Put me down!" I said in the most menacing voice I could muster. Which probably had the frightening-ability of a kitten.

"Ummmm, no." He said, "Nice butt, by the way!"

I gasped and blushed profusely. Little perv... Cute little perv...

He threw me back onto the bed, without any warning.

"Hey!" I whined childishly.

"Oh get over it you big baby." He said hitting me in the head with a pillow.

"Whatever." I pouted and he leaned forward, kissing my lips. It was supposed to be small, but not everything goes as planned. We were pretty much in a "surprise make out session".

I pulled away and looked into his beautifully colored irises and smiled. He smiled back. Well, until I hit him in the head with a pillow and giggled.

"Now... Get over it ya big baby!" I said, jokingly.

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