Chapter 1

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Day 41

It has been a while since I have written something in here. I know I have neglected this diary ever since working on the new edition of my book, but today something wonderful happened. I can barely keep this to myself : Tina surprisingly arrived in London this morning. It was Dumbledore, of course, who had said that on my new mission I'd probably like a companion.
Not knowing what to expect we went to St. Pancras, a muggle airport. And that's when I saw her again. It has been 41 days, long days since I've last seen her. It was after Queenie's and Jacob's wedding. Merlin, she was beautiful. I feel like every time I look at her she's getting even more so.
But even though I am so glad to see her again and to have her as my coworker I am sickeningly worried. I know the mission Dumbledore trusts us with isn't an easy one, when has it ever been, I wonder?
We don't know what the possible outcome is, the future is uncertain either way. And so I hope things will be just fine, as always. I hope Tina is not going to get hurt, I hope we'll make it out of there alive...


Newt has only been waiting for two minutes, possibly three, but they were surely the longest and most unbearable minutes in all his life. He felt terribly nervous, standing in front of the Goldstein's apartment. Today at 12 pm he was meeting Tina for lunch. It was 11 : 30 now and he had promised to pick her up the other day. Using his time wisely, Newt was recaping all the instructions his brother Theseus had told him. Oh Merlin, all the teasing he had done.

Yesterday was beautiful. It had been Queenie's and Jacob's wedding, the 21st January 1931. And it had gotten even more beautiful when Tina had arrived. Newt was stunned. She was wearing a simple silver coat dress, light make-up and her hair was slightly wavy and soft ornaments were placed in it.

But it wasn't her appearance alone that had caught his eyes. It was her. It has always been her. He was overwhelmed with happiness, with love and a great deal of nervousness. Love, it had took him years to grasp the meaning of this word. He had thought he'd found it when still friends with Leta Lestrange. He had thought he'd found it, liking his creatures so much. But when he had met Tina, five years ago, it was when he had found out he had been wrong all the time.

Truth to be told it hasn't occurred to him he loved her until he met her again in Paris. Then he was overwhelmed, but that was nothing compared to how nervous he was at the wedding. He barely knew what to say, he couldn't even remember what he had said shortly after, but Tina thankfully had been just as nervous.

During the ceremony they didn't talk much, they spent all their time next to each other, however. Newt was aware of how Tina's shoulder occasionally touched his, how her hand brushed his when she would hand him a glass of water. With that he'd been left wondering all night whether these sweet contacts had been intentional.

When the ceremony was over Newt and Tina stepped out into the fresh air with the others : Bunty, Eulalie, Theseus and Queenie and Jacob.
The couple was handed some presents and given hugs, then they apparated to their honeymoon, somewhere in the Caribbean where the magical laws are not as strict regarding marriage between witches and muggles.

So there were only five people left. Theseus and Bunty waved a brief goodbye and retired to the hotel they and Newt and Bunty had booked for two days. Lally followed quickly after but gave Tina a tight hug which was returned just as tightly.

And then it was Newt and Tina. How awkward the situation had been! What to say? What to do when they both didn't want to leave the other. When Newt knew he would only be staying until the day after tomorrow.

Tina spoke up first : 'It's been um a lovely evening.'

'Indeed.' Newt agreed blandely. He moved slightly so they were standing opposed to each other, so he could see her face again. By then, she'd stuffed her hands in her pockets when another cold breeze went through the streets of New York.

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