~Chapter six: Lost~

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Sounds of agony and distress fell behind Varlie and the krill where the spirits were.

"Is that all the revenge we need?"

"No, they've been doing this since the start and the dawn of new light. We need to kill them all."

"Uhh- I don't think I can do tha-"
Varlie rethought about what has happened quite recently. How they left her for dead in the swirling pit of clouds.
"We need to rethink, where could they least expect to find us.."
She was still quite out of breath and in shock from what just all happened.
She snapped back into reality.
"Your right…"

Let's just find somewhere to go for now.

Meanwhile, the elders, along with many other spirits panicked.

"SHIT!" A spirit ducked out of the way from the tumbling rejecting voyager spirit's body, dragging down the sandy hill.

"Why didn't the shield work?!" The wasteland elder glanced around with a wide stance and open hands then rushed over to the injured spirit whose body finally came to a halt.

Stealthy survivor jogged over to the motionless body after the elder.
She covered her mouth and gasped.
"He- he's not responding.."
She waved her hand back and forth above rejecting voyager's face.
"Please, hey, stay here."

His eyes were cracked open, vision faded, looking up at her.
More light poured out from him.

"Hey! Please! Don't go, don't go into the light please! Not this time! Please…"

Tearful light miner backed away from the crime scene and towards something stuck in the sand. She picked it up out of curiosity.
"A gun..??" She mumbled to herself.
She ran back to the wasteland elder.
"Hey I think this might have something to do with the crime."

"Oh, yeah, thank you mis," the wasteland elder said.

Song- haunt me (x 3)- Teen Suicide

Vault elder walked up to him from behind with a hand on his shoulder.
"We shouldnt have this many spirits here, we dont know if they're coming back…." She warned.

"The more, the better," the wasteland elder reminded her, "we can try and scare away the krill enough if possible but I don't know about.. that girl…"

Polite scholar jogged up to them.
"Her name is Varlie I thin-"


Some of the elders and spirits whipped around at the scream.
The voice came from afar.

Cheerful spectator bent down on the unsteady hills and couldn't believe what she was seeing in front of her.

"No.. no no no no- No NO NOOO-!"
she cried, breath heavy as she panicked and witnessed a poor little semi-moth with braided hair and yellow wings in the same state as the other spirit friend.

"We have another one…" she shouted to the others between a cracked voice.

She tried to loosen up.

Stealthy survivor came beside her.
"Looks like this one was beaten to death…
Poor poor thing…" she couldn't help but to tear up.

The Prairie elder tried to comfort the two traumatized spirits.

Applauding bellmaker was cowarding behind Pouty porter.

"Let's… just keep going…" said Prairie elder.

Cheerful spectator got off her knees to stand up with Stealthy survivor helping her up. She wasn't living to her name at the moment.

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