chapter I | A whole new world

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"It's been 5 years, 9 months and 22 days, you will be hungry, you will be weak if you feel nauseous please use the sack prov…" was the first thing I heard as my pod opened and I was pulled out of cryo. I got unstraped and looked around for a familiar face. I soon spotted Norm making his way to the compartment that held our bags. I pushed against the wall and floated my way to him.

"Hey Norm, how are you feeling?" I asked before making my way a few lockers away to grab my own stuff.

"I little nauseous and disoriented but I should be fine." He answered me as he closed the compartment. He made his way to me as I got my things. We then both floated towards the sitting areas as the employees on board were telling us to hurry because we were landing soon.

"Exo-pasks on, let's go, exo-packs on! Remember people you lose that mask, you're unconscious in 20 seconds, you're dead in four minutes." Said one of the guys as he walked around and made sure everyone was seated. "Let's nobody be dead today! Looks very bad on my report."

Harnesses off, grab your pack, put it together, let's go! Let's go!" we heard the man from earlier say as we reached the floor of the Pandorian base. "When the ramp comes down, go directly into the base. Do not stop! Go straight inside! Wait for my mark"

We hurried out and made out way inside the building. As we walked towards the base I looked at the pillar of smoke comming out of the said base, polluting the clean and fresh air of Pandora. It was sad, we were already destroying this beautiful land. Had we not learned from our mistakes? We finally find a planet that actually can naturally host life and we just come and destroy it. It's stupid. I wanted to observed the plants that were right outside the fence but I didn't have much time to take in it's beauty as we reached the entrance. We then proceeded to sit through a stupid talk about "the danger and rules of pnadora" and were then given a very quick tour before being dismissed.

I looked around a bit with Norm as we tried to find Moonsu and Moon Hee (Ella would be on the other ship) but we couldn't find them and assumed they wandered off to explore.

"We should go then, maybe go and see the avatars, they must have grown a lot since we last saw them." I said as I turned towards the shorter man.

"Yeah sure" He answered.

We then proceeded to make our way towards the lab but, as we were walking we saw something or more like someone worth stopping for. Tommy, or more like a copy of him, wheeling away in the same corridor as us. We quickly caught up to him, or more like Norm ran and I slowly followed and eventually caught up since they stopped.

"I went through avatar training with him." I heard Norm say.

"So, you're Jake right?" I asked as I leaned nonchalantly against the wall.

"Yeah that's right" answered the questioned.

"Nice to meet you" I said and offered my hand. He took it and we shook hands before Norm reminded me that we should go see the avatars.

"Into the bio-lab" the brunette said chuckling. "We're gonna spend a lot of time up here." He then turned to two random lab workers and proceeded to introduce himself "Hey! Hoe you doing? Norm, avatar driver."

They answered with small "hi" and "hey" then went back to work.

"Norm stop bothering people they're working I know you're exited but calm down" I said with a chuckle. He ignored me and continued walking. "Link- here's the link room right here. This is where we're connecting to the avat-" Jake ignored him and wheeled away towards the avatars that were laying in tanks nearby.

"Hey welcome" said one of the scientist who were checking our na'vi bodies.

"Hey" answered Jake.

"Welcome on pandora. Good to have you."

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