Chapter VI | Nuisance

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I reached the tree of souls late in the night. My bow was slung across my torso, a steady, heavy, comforting weight on my shoulder. I brought my queue forward and my tendrils slowly connected with the tree. As I made Tsaheylu with Eywa I could feel the reassuring presence of my beloved. After a blink she was there, standing in front of me in all her beauty. "Sylwanin, I see you."

"I see you Tsu'tey." She smiled softly, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. "Did you find the dreamwalker you went looking for?"

"Yes, I found him. He was being attacked by nantangs when we arrived." She didn't answer, just looked at me like she was waiting for me to continue, like she knew I wanted to say something else. "I think I see why the Tsahik spared him. He's strange. He doesn't smell like the other dreamwalkers and something about him is just… off."

"What do you think it is?" She questioned, her head tilting slightly on the side, letting the hair that were resting on her shoulder fall like cascading water.

"I have no idea. But I'm pretty sure it has something to do with why your mother asked us to bring him to her." I explained simply. I truly didn't know why this demon was different. He looked the same with their weird hands and feet and their strange odor but yet there was something subtly different from the others.

"Did you ask her?"

"No, I haven't. She didn't even let us stay, she sent us away after we got him in the medical room."

"You should ask her Tsu'tey. Also, you should go wash yourself, you're covered in blood. Now go, good night." And with that she disappeared leaving me alone with my thoughts and Eywa. I disconnected from the tree and started making my way back. I would clean up tomorrow, after all, night had already settled in well and I didn't want to let myself be vulnerable to predators.

The next morning I woke up in a bad mood. The reasons for my temperament was unknown but I didn't want to talk to people so I left bright and early to go clean up at the river. As I scrubbed away the alien's dried blood I thought about yesterday and my discussion with Sylwanin. I am going to ask the tsahik about the demon we rescued the night prior. I wonder if he is awake now. I should probably go now if I want to have time before breakfast. I left the river bank, my hair still damp and made my way to hometree. I passed a couple of people, saluting them accordingly and even stopping to speak with one of my fellow hunters. I finally made my way up to the medical rooms and looked around for the one where the strange man was. I imagined Mo'at would be there as I had yet to see her and she usually is one of the first people awake.

"Tsu'tey, I was wondering when you would come."

"I see you, Mo'at." I respectfully saluted her and followed her into the room. "He hasn't awoken yet?" I inquired.

"No. He was badly injured and lost a lot of blood." She answered simply as she sat next to the unconscious man laying on his stomach. On his back and shoulder was spread a thick blue almost black paste covered by large green leaves. "Ask your question Tsu'tey."

I sat down opposite her, the injured separating us. "I was wondering why you asked us to find him. Isn't one dreamwalker amongst us enough? This one isn't even special. Jacksooly is a warrior but this one is just like the others. I don't understand."

"Eywa has sent me messages. I don't know what his role is yet, but he will be important. I will ask Takuk to teach him but I would like for you to keep an eye on him. Takuk can be… harsh, and this one seems to break easily." I was even more lost. Messages from Eywa? His role? Important? Why would I have to keep an eye on him? I felt so much more confused than before, and it must have shown on my face because the woman in front of me smiled softly and explained further. "I have been having dreams and communications with Eywa regarding a dreamwalker who will play an important role in our lives. I thought it might have been the one my daughter brought back, but it wasn't. I can't tell you much more as even I am unsure about these communications. All that matters is that she wants us to help and protect him and so, that's what we'll do." I was about to answer her but was interrupted by grunting. My eyes snapped to the man between us, he was moving slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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