chapter II | first link

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The next day, I woke up early and got to the link room to link with my avatar for the first time in almost six years.

"So how much link time have you logged?" Asked grace as we came in the room.

"About 520 hours" answered Norm.

"631 hours I think or around that at least" I said as I followed.

"That's good" she said. She then pointed towards the link units. "You're in there, you here and that's you." I went over to my link unit and started getting set. "How much have you logged?" Asked grace to Jake. I was curious so I turned to lisent to them.

"Zip. But I read a manual."

"Are you joking?" "Tell me you're joking" grace and I asked at the same time. I huffed in a failed attempt to stop a fit of laughter.

"This is cool" He said stupidly. I couldn't contain my laughter anymore. I giggled as I laid down in the linking unit.

I heard Norm say "Let's go" and then the scientist that was beside me close the lid and I relaxed and closed my eyes like I was now used to do.

When I opened my eyes again I could see the faces of two people both male. One snapped their fingers near my ears and the other flashed a light in my eyes. 

"Can you hear us Maxence?" Asked the blond one. To which I nodded slightly.

"Pupillary reflex is good." Said the other one.

"He's pinna response is normal."

"So Maxence, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm… I'm fine." I slowly sat up. I looked around the room, Norm had just woken up and Jake was still not there.

"We're gonna do some muscular tests okay?"

"The usual?"

"Yeah the usual" the red brunette said with a chuckle.

"Yeah okay" I sat on the side of the bed where the scientist started asking me to touch my fingers together and to move my toes and stuff like that. Then Norm sat up and started doing the same as I was just a minute ago. The doctors then started to pull out the needles that were in my arms. Jake woke up at the same time. He sat up quickly and didn't seem to really pay attention to what the scientist were assigned to him were saying. He then stood up, way too early, his tail hitting stuff and making thing fall to the ground. The doctors were telling him to calm down but he had none of it.

"Hey Jake calm down they're gonna put you on sedatives." I said as the humans around started preparing the supitocam.

I slowly sat up having more control and also having had more time to control my body.

"Maxence don't go too fast" warned one of the man in front of me.

"It's fine I'm good." 

Jake then started walking away pulling with him the screenings showing his vitals. Max tried to make him lisent but he just answered with "this is great".

"Come on Jake they're gonna put you out." 

"Jake! Sit back down!" I told him as I slowly and carefully made my way to him but he started to walk away. He opened the door and left as I followed after him. Norm was on our tail just after me.

The scientist ran after us screaming "Jake" and "Jake stop" and "you're not ready for this"

"Jake stop right now!" I said as I ran after him. We passed two avatars playing basketball and then ran into the training grounds. I followed him me and Norm both trying to reason him. I knew we would not be able to, he was finally able to walk and run after only he know how long. "You know what fuck it" I laughed and and ran faster catching up to him.

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