Dancing Through the Night

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Kaeya let out a heavy sigh, looking up from his stack of papers towards Albedo. A smile spreads across his face without a single care in the world. Albedo looked up, meeting his loving gase, a blush appearing on his pale cheeks before he turned away.

Kaeya smiled more, looking up at the clock. It was already almost 8 pm. He stretched and walked over to Albedo, slipping his hand in place of Albedo's quill. "Dearest, it's late, we'll finish this tomorrow," he hummed, met with a glare.

"Fine," Albedo sighed, releasing Kaeya's hand to push out of his chair.

Kaeya smiled, "you know, the tavern is still open, care to accompany me for a drink, Chief Alchemist?"

"I suppose, but only one drink," he retook Kaeya's hand, who met him with a smirk.

Albedo simply shook his head as Kaeya led him through the corridors, and out of the knights headquarters. They walked hand in hand throughout Mondstadt, the stars decorating the sky. A gentle breeze blew through the quiet town as they made it to the bright tavern.

Venti was up front, strumming his lyre and filling the tavern in lively music. They walked up to the counter, as Diluc handed them their drinks, knowing full well what the two regularly drank. Albedo gave him a soft thanks, taking his drink.

Kaeya quietly thanked his brother before walking with Albedo to their usual table. The two spent the rest of the evening mindlessly talking about everything that came to mind. Kaeya loved listening to Albedo talk about things he was so passionate about, the way his eyes lit up and his speech became less formal.

Their hands intertwined on the table as they drank, Albedo rambling about his new study, it was everything that Kaeya could've ever wanted. The tavern slowly became quieter as the night drew on, more people leaving.

They talked on and on about everything and nothing, mindless conversation flowed so easily through the pair. Yes, they didn't get to see each other often, due to Albedo's research in Dragonspine. Yet, when they came back together, it was as though they were never separate.

Kaeya felt incredibly special, he knew very few people got to see this side of Albedo. For he was typically a man of few words. However, Kaeya seemed to be different. Albedo was comfortable around him, and it made his heart soar with pride.

Hours felt like minutes, they couldn't get enough of each other. Though, the clock in the tavern struck midnight, much to Kaeya's dismay. He hated parting ways from Albedo, it was the worst thing about being around him; but, he could feel the gaze of his brother. Albedo could feel it too, looking up at Kaeya, he paused his original story.

"Kaeya...I believe it's time to leave," he picked up his empty glass.

Kaeya looked around and sighed. "I guess," he chuckled softly, bringing his glass to the front with Albedo.

They walked out of the tavern together, the street lights lit up the streets dimly. Albedo began to run, never once letting go of Kaeya's hand, looking back at Kaeya with a look that said "follow me". He understood loud and clear, he'd follow Albedo to the ends of the earth.

There they were, in the middle of Mondstadt. Kaeya looked at Albedo with a smile on his face. "And what are we doing here?," he asked the blonde, who gave him a shy smile in response.

"Dancing," that's all Albedo gave him, nothing else, and though confused, Kaeya went along with it.

Soft music began to play, as Albedo slipped his hand in Kaeya's the other on his shoulder. Kaeya smiled, his face full of love as he held Albedo tightly by his waist.

Albedo began to sing, resting his head on Kaeya's chest as they swayed.

I used to hear a simple song

Kaeya smiled, closing his eyes as well, disconnecting their hands to hold him closer. Nothing else mattered in this private moment, beneath the stars, it was nobody except for them two.

That was until you came along

Albedo looked up at him as the lyrics left his lips, Kaeya's eyes fluttering open, pressing into a loving smile.

Now in its place is something new

Once again they connected their hands, intertwining their fingers. Kaeya releases Albedo's waist to twirl him back into his arms. A smile grew on his face.

I hear it when I think of you

He placed a hand on Kaeya's chest as they came back together. Kaeya's hand on top of his, as they once again swayed.

With simple songs I wanted more

They waltzed up the stairs, the moonlight shining on them like a spotlight, only highlighting their perfect moment.

Perfection is so quick to bore

Kaeya's voice came in to join Albedo's in a perfect duet. Albedo smiled, as they spun together.

You are more beautiful by far

Kaeya placed a hand on Albedo's cheek, as though the lyrics came from his heart, made for Albedo and Albedo alone.

Our flaws are who we really are

Albedo joined in, their arms now outstretched till they came together with a spin, Kaeya placing a kiss onto Albedo's hand.

They danced, till they were back in the headquarters, and yet they continued, up the stairs, indulged in one another. Albedo let go of Kaeya's hands, running through the hall, until Kaeya grabbed his hand, pulling him close with a twirl.

I used to hear a simple song~

It was Kaeya's voice this time, filling Albedo's chest with a warmth that was incomparable to anything he'd ever felt before. He knew that Kaeya was singing to him, he simply understood anything and everything.

That was until you came along

They made eye contact, one again swaying close Kaeya's soft voice filling the atmosphere around them. It was as though they were the only people in the world, there was nothing else to it.

You took my broken melody, and now I hear a symphony

Albedo joined in resting against Kaeya as they swayed. Kaeya's smile never left his face. Albedo knew Kaeya was different, not just in general but to him. When Kaeya was around he much rather spend time with him than do his work. It confused him at first, he'd never felt this way about anyone before.

He wished that all of Kaeya's time could be spent with him and him only. Perhaps it was selfish but it was the truth. Kaeya made him feel whole.


Kaeya released Albedo, stretching them apart with their hands intertwined. A smile on both of their faces.

And now I hear, a symphony~

Kaeya twirled him back in, dipping him to kiss him softly. However, when Albedo returned the kiss, holding onto his jacket, he knew it was over.

Kissing Albedo was like fireworks exploding, the world revolving around them. The world was theirs. They pulled away, Albedo dragging him to his room, pulling him down for yet another kiss as he shut the door.

After being in the world's spotlight, it was finally time for just them. Nobody else was allowed to see.

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