1: Anuptaphobia fear of staying single
2: Arachibutyrophobia fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
3: Arrhenphobia fear of men
4: Asymmetriphobia fear of asymmetrical things
5: Barophobia fear of gravity
6: Bogyphobia fear of bogeys or bogeyman
7: Cacophobia fear of ugliness
8: Cathisophobia fear of sitting
9: Chiraptophobia fear of being touched
10: Gerontophobia fear of old people or growing old
11: Gynephobia or Gynophobia- fear of women
12: Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- fear of the number 666
13: Ideophobia- fear of ideas
14: Optophobia fear of opening ones eyes.
15: Papaphobia fear of the pope
16: Peladophobia fear of bald people
17: Russophobia fear of Russians
18: Venustraphobia fear of beautiful women
19: Xanthophobia fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.
20: Santaphobia fear of father Christmas.