Chapter 3

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After telling my dad I was leaving, he told me to be safe. I started walking, I had no idea where I was going or what was in the town. After walking for 10 minutes I found a cute little antique store, unfortunately it was closed until tomorrow. I looked into the window and saw some good stuff and some questionable things. Then I saw it! The most gorgeous hand crafted wood Ouija board with gold letters that looked like they could glow.

I stared at it for a while until I heard footsteps coming from behind me, I really didn't want to look away but I was curious to who was there. Before I could look, a voice right behind me said "Hey watcha doin." I jumped, and said "jeez, didn't have to scare me" I looked and saw the cutest guy ever, I blushed which he noticed right away. He then asked again what I was doing, which I didn't know so that's what I said.

"Are you new here, because Ive never seen you before and in this small of a town you know everyone here." He explained. " Yeah I just moved here from Plainsfield." I quietly said, " Wow that's a big change!" he exclaimed, " yeah I know." "when did you move here." " yesterday." " Well if you want I can be your first and best friend here, what's your name?" he said excited to which I said "Amelia and sure, do you want to walk with me? ". " Yes! I can show you around, my name's Alex" so we walked for quite a bit and he told me where everything was and where the best spots to sit and enjoy nature.

"So do you like Greenville so far" Alex asked me "Yeah, it's okay. Definitely not like the city." "Yeah haha" " well I should get home, it's getting late. " I told Alex, which he agreed so we have each other our number and we went our separate ways. When I got home my dad asked what I did, so I told him about Alex and the Ouija board I saw. " You sure do like scary things! " My dad laughed, it's true I love everything horror and creepy. " How much was it" he asked, " I don't know it was closed, I might go tomorrow and check out the store after unpacking more.

"Alright, sounds good" my dad said, I was pretty tired so I said goodnight and went to my room to sleep.

The next day

I had the weirdest dream but I couldn't quite remember it, I think I was walking in the forest. After trying to remember and failing for a while, I decided to go have breakfast at the restaurant. My dad didn't want to go quite yet so I just went without him, when I got there I couldn't see anyone at the counter. So I waited a little longer and a girl my age came out and apologized for taking so long, "Its okay" I said, I ordered some pancakes and orange juice.

As I was eating she came over and sat with me and we talked for a while, she asked where I moved from and if I have made any friends yet so I told her about Alex. She told me she know him, they go to school together. I mentioned he was pretty cute and she asked if I like him, "I only just met him but I hope we can be good friends, same with you. You seem pretty cool" I exclaimed. " Awe thanks you too, my name's Katie by the way" "I'm Amelia" " that's a pretty name" Katie blurted out, we both laughed. She told me she had to get back to work but that we should hangout, so we exchanged numbers and I went back home

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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