PART 2!?

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same playlist as the previous, this is the part two i wrote about a month later 💀💀

PART 2 SINCE IVE SEEN IT REQUESTED!! [ive also updated one part of the original pov so yea it's a bit better now i think, sorry for the long wait on part 2, i've been lazy bc of all the school work, but now that schools ending i'll have more free time!!]

you wake up in the warmth, yet small discomfort, of hospital bed sheets. you slowly open your eyes and rub them lightly to get a clearer view of what's going on around you. next to you, Shoto Todoroki sat in a poorly cushioned seat provided by the hospital, his arms, legs, and the right side of his face covered in bandages, some having spots of light red bleeding through them. his hands folded together, just below his nose, elbows resting on the bed. his face was more serious then usual.. no. it was more sad, upset, like something happened. well, a lot has happened, no doubt about that.

you attempt to sit up groggily, but was stopped by his arm in front of you
"don't get up just yet" he said in a slight whisper "just lay down for now"

you hesitantly lay back down on the bed and ask

"how long have i been asleep for?"

"a week. i just woke up 4 hours ago and was told to watch over you for a while."

"oh. ok then."

you give him a small smile and he gives you one back. An idea suddenly finds its way into your mind and you put it into action.

"what are you doing?"

the boy beside you says as you reach for his hand and intertwine your fingers with his. his face goes a light pink-shade, but soon settles and he rolls his seat closer and lays his head on your shoulder and smiles up at you

"get comfortable by all means necessary"

*a couple moments of silence follows...*

"is everyone ok?"

"yes, mostly everyone's doing ok, some aren't awake yet but the doctors say they'll wake up eventually"

"what do you mean by mostly everyon-"

suddenly, a boy rushes in, the broccoli-haired one, Izuku Midoryia better know as Deku covered in bandages, goes immediately to your other side



the angry blonde, Kastsuki Bakugou, walks in to interrupt the other also covered in bandages. Shoto picks his head up off your shoulder to tell the two, who were now going back and forth, to keep it down. when they did, you asked the three in the room with you

"Shoto mentioned that *mostly* everyone's ok, what's that supposed to mean?"

you spoke raising an eyebrow. the boys looked at each other, worried. what's the worst they tell me? your tired brain thought.

"well?? go on."

"well.." Bakugou starts but looks at Deku to really start it off.

"you..know that attack the villains went through with while we were at the beach for the training trip just a week ago?"


"people got hurt.. and well.. there's good and bad news!! good news, we've captured the villains responsible! but the bad news is.." he looks over at Shoto to finish it off, Shoto gave both boys a dirty look.

"one of the people with a hurt pretty bad..and they're pretty sure shes not gonna make it.."


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