Friendship Stolen

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It has been a week since my mom has passed. My dad won't leave their room. My sister doesn't cook anymore. Her and mom were the closest. Jed and me are going to town today to find a job so we can support the family. Jed is slowly getting over the death. Me well I'm worse than dad but can't show it mom was the only one that got me.

Now I have no one. Maya has her friends. Jed has dad and his friends. Dad has Jed and his ex-co-workers. I have no one. Jed doesn't talk to me much. Dad well, he is afraid I will spill his secret, Maya doesn't like me. Friends? I have none. Other family? None. Why you ask? They all died in a horrible train/car wreck.


We were on a family trip. My closest family. We had to stop at a red light. My dad stop a few feet away from the train tracks. Little did he know the car behind is has a different idea. One minute my little brother Jason was screaming " look daddy a train, look mommy a train!" The next we were all screaming as the train collided with us. We were in the back of the bus only the front got hit it was demolished.

********End of Flashback********

Every one was killed except mom, dad, Jed, Maya, and me.

What about Jason you ask? Well when he saw the train he got up and ran to the front to watch it go by. We let him. I blame myself he was sitting next to me. I let him get up. He was my responsibility. But at least he doesn't have to suffer through every thing like we do now. We did have plenty of money until dad lost his job and we had to pay bills.

We got to town a Jed went to the local gas station that needed workers. I went off to Dally's Sporting Goods. I walked in and went up to the front desk and applied for the job but since I didn't ever go to school, My mom only home schooled me, it's going to be hard to get a job.

As I was walking out I ran into someone I looked up and saw a guy (and let me tell he was hot!)but I can't like him. I only just met him. Zayla stop. " Um, hello are you okay ma'am?" "Can you hear me! Are you okay?" I finally looked up at him again " uhh yeah um sorry uh I will b-be getting on my way s-sorry." i said stuttering way to much. " No wait, is that an application in your hand" he asked. " yes, why?" I asked curiously. " Oh my dad is the manager. What's your name and I will recommend you. You seem like a really nice girl." He said suddenly. "I am Zayla Raine" "That is a really beautiful name, I'm Clark, Noah Clark." " Well it has been nice to meet you but I have to go and met my brother again bye see u soon I guess." "bye. See you soon"
••••••Back at their house••••••

As I was sitting on my bed thinking about the past couple hours I realized that I just got a job. Wow. Jed also got accepted for his job and has to start tomorrow, I have to stop by at the sport shop and see if I really got the job are not. I hope me and Noah will be good friends he is kinda cute but I can't date I have to much drama in my family. After he hears everything he probably won't want to be my friend or even be near me but I guess it's worth a try. He was probably just being nice earlier and was just saying the things so he wouldn't hurt my feelings but I wish he wouldn't. I wish it was true.

••••••••Noah's P.O.V••••••••

After I handed Zayla's application to my dad and told him that she would work really well I headed home. I can't believe I finally saw her again. When I saw her when I was in the hospital with my sister I thought she was beautiful, she still is. I just hope she will be my friend. Probably not with all of the drama in my family

Hey y'all! I updated twice in a day wow well it's probably not this best and it's not that long but it will do. So I hope you like it! Vote and comment and like! If you see a mistake politely tell me in the comments. That means you to Kaitlyn😂. The guy in the picture is Jedediah😍. This chapter is dedicated to kgracewilliams

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