Is He Really Stolen or Gladly Taken

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"DAD! Where are you?" I yelled.

He wasn't responding.

WARNING: This chapter is very depressing.

"DAD!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face. I don't know what to do I can't find him. He is usually in his room drinking. I walk into the kitchen to see if he is in there. All I find is a note.

Dear kids,
I'm sorry but I can't handle it anymore I put 2 years worth of money for all the bills in the bank. Jed please take care of Maya and Zayla. Z take care of yourself I know you aren't as strong as everyone thinks you are, Find someone and be happy.(Noah calls me that!! No Zayla read the note stop thinking of something that won't ever happen)I hope you all will be ok. Maya doesn't know of this because I did it silently. Please tell her I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I'm leaving you behind. I'm sorry I'm ruining this family. I'm sorry I'm making your lives worse. I'm sorry that I'm doing this. I'm sorry I can't handle it. I'm sorry about your mother. I'm sorry about me. I'm sorry you have to live the rest of your lives without your mother and me. I'm sorry. I love Ya'll. bye.
Love Dad

By this time I am bawling I walk outside next moms grave and see dad hanging from the tree. How could he do this to us. How could he leave us. Does he hate us. I can't believe he have 2 years of money for bills saved. We have suffered for a long time trying to keep the house and everything that we have. He has all this money that we could have used. He made us suffer. With all of this saved up money he was planning something but what could it be. Could it be something to do with his secret.But no matter what I still love him.

After awhile of sitting on the floor I heard a door opening. Even though I was outside. Maya came running to me. This is the first time I have seen her out of her room in weeks. I heard her faint sniffles. " NO DAD ZAYLA HOW COULD HE DO THis too us." She said getting to a whisper and bawling. At this point I am basically just sitting staring at her and then my father. I hear something coming from the front yard. I just hope that it's not an murderer. Well Zayla these are certainly good thoughts...

I turn around to see Jed running towards us with a mad look on his face. He didn't look sad at all.

"THAT STUPID BAS**** TOOK HIS ON LIFE SO HE DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL US IN PERSON HOW HE IS THE ONE THAT MURDERED MOM! THAT HE HAS BEEN CHEATING ON HER! THAT HE IS A STUPID COWARD THAT CAN'T KEEP A FAMILY OR A HAPPY LIFE!" He screamed. I bet the whole town heard him. I looked up at him surprised that he knew he had been cheating on her. Little did he know that the only reason I have the scars is because of the punishment of almost letting it slip after I saw him and the towns slut together one night as I was walking home from getting food. I confronted him that night about it and he said that if I said anything about it that I better watch out. I always liked my father till that moment. I still love him it's heard to stop loving a father you saw as perfect up until you are 13 years old.

A year later after he threatened me I knew he was still cheating on mom. We were sitting at the dinner table one night and dad walked in casually put his stuff down and came and sat down with us. Mom asked, "Hey honey where have you been I thought you were supposed to be home 2 hours ago?" "No, I thought I told you that I was going to be home late." He said rather quickly. That was when I knew that he was with Nicky (the towns slut) no wonder he was late getting home. "Really dad or were you with Nic-" I said eating interrupted. "So honey what's for supper?" He asked glaring at me. I don't know how mom didn't notice. "Oh I just ordered some take out, Zayla what were you saying sweetie?" "Just that I bet dad was tired having to be around Randy and Bob all day, you know how tiring they can get and frustrating." I said hoping that she won't catch on. "Yeah with Randy and Bob being the higher class I bet they work you to death."

After supper dad asked me to go hunting with him since it was still sorta day light. I went with him not wanting him to get even madder with me than he already is. When I stepped out into the brightness of the porch light from the darkness at our garage, I only had two things on my mind Dad and how safe my home is.

I got to our meeting spot in the woods and saw dad there. He came up to me and slapped me while saying, "YOU STUPID LITTLE BRAT YOU ALMOST TOLD YOUR MOM ABOUT ME CHEATING ON HER!" By now he had already slapped me, then punched me, pushed me into the ground,and kicked me. When I fell to the ground I fell on a bush that's how I got most of me scars. The rest come from every other time I come and hunt with him alone he beats me. It's a relief kinda by him dying but then he was still my dad no matter what.


Hey Y'all,
I know I haven't updated in I while but I have been writing bits and pieces to this every day sorta. I hope y'all like it. I know it's short but it has a lot in it. Vote if you noticed the book reference I put in here. Shout out to Mattie and her love for the book. Have a great and beautiful summer y'all. The song on the side is Hanging Tree- Jennifer Lawrence. The girl on the side is how I imagine Maya but you know that's only my imagination. Vote, comment, and like! If you see a mistake just Please politely tell me in the comments. This chapter is dedicated to mattiesfab


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