Sadness Stolen

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This morning I woke up and looked at the clock, it said 8:50, I only have 10 minutes to get to work! What if I'm late on my 1st day what am I going to do? I hurry up and throw on my uniform, grab an apple and run to work. I have to walk (well run in my situation) since we don't have enough money to buy a car and keep the bills paid. We can barely pay for our tiny house. Jed left earlier this morning to go work, I will probably stop by there after work if he is still there.

I got to work at 8:58,I barely made it! I walk in to the back room trying to find Noah so that I can figure out where I'm working at today. He said that it would change daily.

All of a sudden, deep in thought I ran in to something hard. I look up and it's Noah. "Hey Zayla, I was just looking for you, ready to get to work?" He said as soon as he saw me. "Hey, I was looking for you too, what am I going to do today?" I replied casually which surprised me. Usually I am nervous around other people. "Ok, well today you will work with me and you will for about a week or until you get the hang of it. So we are going to help people around the store and check everything on the shelves. "Let's go"he said rather happily I guess he likes the job. At least I get to spend all day with him.

***********Noah's P.O.V**********

I was supposed to let Zayla do all the work she could by herself today but I really wanted to be around her so I told her she was going to work with me. With double the help we can get mine and her job done and dad will never know. I hope with how much we will be working together she will start to like me but she probably won't she will probably only think of me as a friend if even that. We first have to go off to the softball/baseball area to check the shelves and see if anyone needs help. Since it is the summer/spring kids are playing t-ball.

We go over there and I turn my back on Zayla for a second to fix the bats when I feel something hit the back of my head i turn around and Zayla has some of the kid bouncy balls in her hand and is preparing to throw another one at me and when she does it hits me in the face. She started to bust out laughing. That is the first time I have seen her truly happy. I have seen her around a lot in town and have noticed she has never really been that happy. It has always been fake smiles. "Did you really just do that?" I asked even though I know she did. "Yeah!" She sputtered out trying to stop laughing. I grab the ball that she threw at me and threw it back at her. She screamed and ran. I follow her around the store then all of a sudden I lost her I was looking for her at the clothes area. All of a sudden she jumped out and scared me I screamed and jumped. Noah you are supposed to be a guy don't scream.She started laughing at how I got scared. "Is little Noah scared?" She asked teasingly. I ran up to her and started to tickle her.

After a few minutes she finally stopped laughing enough to tell me to stop. I noticed the time on the clock. 12:02. "Hey Z its time for our lunch break." I said deciding to give her a nickname."really already?"she replied. "Yeah actually a few minutes past that time. Do thou Z want to come to thee Burger King with thou Noah?" I asked very weirdly. " oh well umm I don't uh have any money..." She said quietly. " Oh don't worry about that I will pay for yours."I said excitedly. I was excited that it was sorta a date to me maybe not to her though.

**********At Burger King**********

"Z, what do you want to eat?" I asked hoping that she would eat as much as she wants. "Oh umm I will have a whopper jr. Small fries and a small coke icee." She said a little shyly. "And I will have the same thing but with medium drink and fries." I said after she finished saying her order. I payed and we went and we sat down on the table in the back. "We need to get to know each other more so let's play 20 questions or we however many questions we want to ask." I said hoping that she would agree. "Oh umm sure you can go first." I started to ask her then I hear our number being called. I got up got our food, some ketchup and napkins and went back to the table. I have her food and she quietly said thank you and I got my food.

"Ok, so what's your favorite color?" "Wow that is a really deep question how am I going to answer that." She said. I chuckled and said "Well I'm not sure about that." "My favorite color is white." She said while laughing. "Why white?" I asked thinking that it would be like blue or green not white. "Well white is never liked and it can be any color if you mix it. I have thought of this since I was little and so it has been my favorite color ever since then."She said quietly and with her cheeks slightly red. "Wow, I never thought of that" I said shocked.

"Ok so have you ever had a pet or do you have a pet?"

" I have a dog name Sassy. My little sister named her when we got her but my sister lives with my grandmother in Utah now." I said hoping she wouldn't ask why she moved to Utah.

"It is your turn to ask the question"

"oh yeah umm do you have any siblings?" I have wanted to know this for a while so I decided to ask her now. "I have a older brother named Jedediah and a younger sister named Maya." "Really? I am the only child, sometimes that is a good thing and sometimes it's not."

I looked at the clock and it said 12:57. "Z, are you done eating because we have to be back at work in 3 minutes" " oh I have been done for a while. We can go ahead and leave." We got up, threw our stuff away and went back to work.

************after work************
~*~*~*~*~Zayla's P.O.V~*~*~*~*~

After work I headed over to the gas station to see if Jed was at work still. I walked in and he was talking to a girl at the counter. They were both laughing and joking around. I wish Noah and me would be like that and get together. I decided to go on home and leave them to themselves. I got home in a couple of minutes. I went and checked on Maya. "Hey Maya!" I yelled as I walked in her room. She just nodded her head in reply. I walked into my dads room next. "DAD! Where are you?" I yelled.

He wasn't responding.

Hey Ya'll! Hope Ya'll enjoyed this chapter! Please like and vote! The guy in the picture is Noah. The song was chosen by kgracewilliams the chapter is dedicated to chelc_17

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