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Eddie pulled away from the hug, putting his forehead on y/n's forehead. "Yea I did it..." she said looking at him. Eddie smiled gently picking her up on his back, and walked to his house, "alright so blacktip, what do you want to do when we get there?" Eddie said towards her with a smile. "Blacktip?" "Oh- you know, your nails" Eddie points at her nails. "Oohhh" Eddie nodded and giggles with her, as they made it into his house. "Lads first!" Eddie said moving his hand forward. Y/n goes Inside and she sits down. Eddie comes over and sits down next to her, as he put the tv on a show, whatever show caught there attention, after awhile of watching the show eddie fell asleep with his head leaned on y/n lap, and y/n would be playing with his hair, with a gentle smile, **TWO DAYS LATER** Eddie was talking about whatever in the world he talks about. And y/n randomly stops him. "Huh?-" Eddie was comfused. "Okay okay look..I know we haven't known eachother for so long but I'm started to gain strong feelings for you..I have big feelings for you..and I was scared to tell you because I don't know if you like me or not, but I just wanna tell you..cuz I will do anything..anything to make you smile and laugh.." Eddie was just in pure shock. "Wha- y/n.." y/n was scared as she had just told him what she had on her chest and just had to let it out. "Y/n.." he pulled her close, looking down at her eyes. "I feel the same way. When you broke up with that guy, I was relieved because when I went to come after you.. he was there and he was being controlling and stuff.. and I just stopped myself from bugging in, but y/n you are the most prettiest girl I've ever seen, and I love you so so much" Eddie kissed her lips very gently with a smile. Y/n kissed him back also with a smile.

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