🔪◇His demise◇🔪

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How he looked before death

Asher was walking down a crowded streat near a market on a Sunday. He was on his summer holidays like most people were. He didn't want to be home, his parents would fight alot with eachother. They would argue about the most mundane things such as clothes that were out drying and it suddenly started raining. Apparently they are both ment to know when it's about to rain accord to the other. They also argued about Asher. Each blamed the other for his failing grades, saying things like "THAT WAS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO TEACH HIM". He normaly would get bored in class if it wasn't a subject he liked or was interested in.  The class which he wasn't failing was his food tech (AN:one of my 2 favourite classes) because he was very interested in cooking. He really liked doing the subject and it was also a very practical skill he was learning. You need to know how to cook. He practiced it where possible. He hoped to be a cook someday as he really liked to cook. It was something that he was actually good at.

He was walking and scrolling through tiktok as he walked down the street, he thought he was safe. There were lots of people around and its day. He may be failing most subjects but he's not stupid.  He knows that you would have to be a idiotic lunatic to caus harm to someone in this environment. You would be cought immediately and be jailed for life.

He didnt expect their to be someone who is that idiotic lunatic close to him. He was still just on his phone when the got pushed out of the crowd by random. He was suprised by the sudden movement and looked up from his phone. He tride to ho back into the crowd but the man that pushed him wouldn't let him. Asher loudly asked for the man to get off him. Asher may have been a bit mean in his opinion but he was uncomfortable. He felt as their was something off with the man who looked to be in his late 40s or early 50s.

He old man pulled out a knife. The crowd wasn't able to see it but Asher was. Asher started to struggle harder, trying to get the othe mans gip on him to loosen. People in the crowd started to notice as now he was loudly repeating for the man to get off him in fear  but the crowd couldn't tell he was scared. They still couldn't see the knife. Some people started to record the event going on between the two thinking that they could get some content out of the situation. The crowd wouldn't have guessed what happened next.

The older man then pushed Asher down onto the floor as he stabbed the brunette repeatedly. Blood came out of Asher's neck like a fountain his blood got everywhere on the crowd, on the man, on himself and all over the floor. Some of the people who were previously recording called emergency services. Their was a few who for some reason kept recording. Soon but not soon enough an ambulance was there and so was the police. The paramedics lifted the lifeless corpse of Asher onto the ambulance as the police retained the older man and disarmed him. The paramedics knew that their was nothing they could do to save the teen. So they went to the hospital knowing that the kid was going straight to the hospital morgue. They would soon find out who his parents were.

When he got to the hospital the doctors soon found his parents and called them. They gave them the news of their son's death. They didn't really care about it but acted as they did as that was considered the social norm. 

His parents ended up donating his body to science.

This is the first ive properly wrote in a while. Hope you all enjoy

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