Chapter 1

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You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine.

You make me happy,

When sky's are grey

You'll never know dear,

How much I love you.

Oh please don't take my sunshine away.

I woke up to this song like always. Joshua always sang it to wake up Addison up in the mornings. Even before they found out they were mates.

Addison's parents gave her up when she was very little, so when a couple in my dad's pack found out they took her in immediately. But she used to say she still felt as if she didn't belong. That was until Joshua turned into his wolf for the first time, ever sense then Joshua try's to make her feel loved and that she is his world. That's why he sings to her.... although I still wonder why he only sings that song.... Maybe it's so she always knows it's him.... at least that's what my mother always told me.

It's a tricky thing. We aren't werewolves.... Well.... Joshua is, but that's not the point. The rest of us are only half and the werewolf jean wasn't past on to us. And we're okay with that. Why you may ask, well even though we can't turn into wolves we do get amazing powers. we are given the powers instead as a way to defend our selves. Everyone's powers are different, for example: Addison can not only levitate herself, but objects, and she can create very strong force fields. Max, my third in command, can control fire, creating it where there is none or take it from other objects. Alex, my beta, is able to control both earth and air. As for me, I can teleport either myself, objects, or other people.

It has been three days sense our home was attacked, everyone's dead. The only reason why my friends and I are still alive was simple..... I teleported us out of there. Yes, I know easy, right? Wrong.

**Memory **

My friends and I were just hanging out in the movie theater/game room of the pack house. That's when I heard something strange.... Like a body was being slammed into the door. Then I heard it.... Screams and pleads of mercy. "Get up!" I yelled, "Addison, put a force field around us, now!"

Addison jumped up and did ad I said. As soon as the field was up, the door came crashing down, "Joshua, stay with Addison, I'll be back soon." I then had grabbed both Max's and Alex's hands and teleported us to our secrete hideout/tree house. Once I had set Max and Alex down in the kitchen I teleported back to Joshua and Addison.

When I got to them, I saw my parents dead on the floor in front of the force field and at feet of their killer.

There were now six rouges inside the room standing in front of the door. "I suggest you surrender. Your little friend can't hold the force field forever, and you're out numbered." Said a rouge walking into the room.

"I will never surrender to you!" I yelled at him. With that I held out my hand and teleported my alpha and Alex's Beta rings into my hand, then grabbed Joshua and Addison and teleported us to the tree house.

**End of Memory**

Three days, just three days and yet it feels like only hours.

"Chris?" I glance at the door to see a sleepy Addison standing there. "I'm sorry I didn't protect your parents.... I'm so sorry, I tried to protect them-"

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