Chapter 2

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I turned around as quickly as possible to see a guy standing there. From the smell I can tell he's a rouge, but.... But.... I don't know.... I look the guy in the eyes to ask him who he is, and what is it he wants when it happens.

The moment our eyes meet I knew he was my mate. I knew we were meant for each other. I knew that if he were to disappear I would die without him. I already know he is my own personal drug and that in only a glance I was very addicted.

"Who are you, and what do you want, rouge?" I heard Joshua growl and walk over to Addison so the he can protect his mate better.

My mates head snaps into the direction of Josh, "My name is Jean, I am an Alpha of a pack of rouges who have lost everything. My beta Stumbled across you territory yesterday. My pack and I came to see if there were any survivors and to offer them a place in my pack." He replies.

"Well we won't be joining your pack. Besides we still have an Alpha." Max speaks up, hands folded across her chest.

"Where is your Alpha I would like to speak to them and offer any assistance." Responded Jean.

"Well Alpha Chris, do you think we can use his help?" Alex asks me without looking away from Jean.

Jean had a look of confusion on his face before looking at josh.

"It's possible." I answer. Jeans eyes snap to mine. I step forward to Jean and sticks out my hand to shake his. "Hello, I'm Alpha Chris of the Midnight Stone Pack." I introduce, "This is my beta, Alex." I point to Alex who was in a t-shirt and short-shorts, her thick brown hair gently blowing in the wind. "My third in command, Max." Max flips her red hair over her shoulder and crosses her arms. "My leading warrior, Joshua with his mate Addison." Josh reaches down and hold Addison in his arms in a backwards hug. "And this is Ash." When I point at Ash she takes a step closer to me.

as I said, I'm Alpha Jean of the Rouge Pack." He stops and wisales. Next thing I know four guys and a girl walks tords Jean. "This is my beta, Mac." He points to one of the guys with shaggy blond hair and wearing a leather jacket. "My third in command, June." June had his hair standing up." My leading warrior Glenn, and his mate Avery." Glenn was shirtless with black hair, and Avery was a cute little blond with bright blue eyes. "And this is Aidan, a pack warrior." Aidan was also shirtless with shaggy brown hair and big brown puppy dog eyes.

Aidan was staring at Ash as if his life depended on it. The next thing I know, Aidan starts running at Ash. without thinking I grab Ash and push her behind me. Addison puts up a force field around us. Max has fire coming from her hands and going up to her hand elbows, ready to fight. Alex is in a ready position. And Joshua had turned into his wolf standing and ready to attack in front of the force field just incase Aidan can get through.

Jean reaches out to stop Aidan, but it was to late. Aidan ran straight into the force field and bounced off. Aidan stands up and tries to see Ash then wimpers out, "Mate."

I turn and look at Ash to see her expretion of Aidan when he called her his mate. I can see shock and fright in her eyes. "Ash, do you know what a mate is?" I ask her quietly. she looks at me and shakes her head no. I turn to Aidan, "Aidan, are you sure she's your mate?"

"I know who is or isn't my mate. I'll kill you for keeping her from me." Aidan grawls out at me.

Jean walks over to Aidan and grabs him around the throat. "How dare you threaten my mate. You are out of line. We do not run after our mates as if we have never seen a woman before. Glenn, please, deal with him, get him under control." Jean lets Aidan go and looks at the ground. Glenn walks over and grabs Aidan's upper arm, and leads him away from us, going into the direction of the pack house. "I'm sorry." Turning my attention back to Jean, I see him looking at me with gilt and regret in his eyes.

"Chris." I look over to max who had called for my attention. Max's eyes were focused on June's.

"What is it, Max?" I asked.

"What if you and Ash aren't the only ones who found there mates today?" She asked, fright clear in her voice. Max has always been afraid of finding her mate. When she was little she was taken away from her parents and older brothers.... Let's just say the guys in her old family were not the kindest to the women.

"Yeah, same here Chris." Alex whispers. That's when it hits me. This 'pack' of 'Alpha' Jean's are mates with my pack members.

"Chris, we can trust them." I turn to Addison giving her my full attenchion.

"What makes you so sure that we can Addy?" I ask shocked.

"Remember when I first joined the pack and I would disappear for hours in a day?" She questioned me.


"Well I was meeting up with Glenn." At the mention of Glenn's name we hear a deep and deadly growl. I look at Joshua and noticed that it was from him that the growl came from. Mates get jealous very easily. I look at Avery, Glenn's mate, to see her shooting daggers at Addy with her eyes.

"So you knew Glenn?" I asked.

"Yes, we were best friends. I saw himas an older brother. He would never be with these pack of roughs if he himself didn't trust them." She answers.

"Addy.... If you are willing to risk your life for them, because you trust them.... Then I have no choice but to do the same." Once I said that Addy put down the force field, and Josh changed back into his human form and quickly put cloths on before going over to Addy and holding her from behind.

"Ash, does your father have a brother named Jayson Michel?" Alex asks looking at Ash a bit intensely.

"Y-yes." Ash whispers.

"How old are you?"


Know wonder why Ash doesn't know about mates. We don't start to learn about them till we're eight, and then we usually shift for the first time when we're twelve. Once you shift it's when you are able to find your mate, that's why I didn't know that Jean was my mate until our eyes met, because I have never and will never be able to shift.

"Chris, I believe Ash is my cousin." Alex says almost in disbelief.

"Well then you aren't alone." I reply.

"Of course she's not, she also has me, her mate." Mac says walking over to Alex and grabbing a hold of her hand.

"What do you think we should do? Both our pack members are mates as well as you and I?" Jean says as he walks over to me only leaving a foot or two of a distains.

"None of my pack members are becoming rouges. Addy may trust all of you, but I wont. A pack of rouges took everything from me, and I wont let that happen again." I answer calmly.

I walk away heading back to the pack house. Yes I know I have the power to teleport myself, but Jean doesn't know that, and what he doesn't know I can use to my advantage.

When I reach the pack house I turned into the direction of the secret hideout. I wanted to get cleaned up and forget all about this day as quickly as possible.

"Why do you turn my brother down?"

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