FIRST DAY...! (PART - 1)

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Hi guys, this is my first time writing a story. 

I hope you read this and love it....

This story starts from school . The school name was St. Mary's . This was a story of Sakshi and Rishi . If you want to know how there ' HATE BECOMS LOVE ' and there love journey begins , if there love life comes to an Happy ending or Sad ending... What happened to the story then just keep on reading it . I hope you will enjoy the story...



Girl       – Hey!!

Me         – Hey 😊

Girl        – are you a new student?!

Me          – yeah!

Girl        – oh! I am Misty!!

Me          – Hello Misty! I am Sakshi . Nice to meet you.. 😊

Misty    – Nice to meet you too Sakshi. 😊 Which stream??!

Me          – computers...

Misty     – really!! Me too...😳

Me           – Woww...😁❤️

(Saw a guy fighting with another guy!!) 

Ignored** walked away!

Teacher – okey students.. please welcome your new classmate sakshi.. Come Sakshi introduce yourself to your classmates??

Me          – Hi friends! I am sakshi , please takecare of me! thankyou!!

Teacher – okey sakshi .. you go and sit there in empty chair...

(thinking in mind * oh no he is the one who fight with another guy🙄🙄) 

Me          – Ma'am can I not sit there and sit somewhere else?!

Teacher– No, he's a really good student... He'll help you...😏🤨

Me           – umm okay...

(Sits beside him*) (Everyone giving me a weird look...)

[ Me to My deskmate(Rishi) ]

Me           – hey!

Deskmate (Rishi)– ignores*

Me           – Seriously!! 😒😒

(break time)

Misty introducing other classmates.....

(suddenly saw a girl crying in front of Deskmate [Rishi] )

Me           – Who is he?? Why she is crying??

Misty      – oh he is Rishi..

Girls        – the most famous and handsome guy of our school... ✨🥰😍

Me            – but... whe is she crying?!

Misty      – She must have got rejected by him... Like everyone...

Me           – What? He seems so rude...

( In class )

Rishi       – I hope you'll change your seat in next period...

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