The Misunderstanding...!( PART - 4 )

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Hi guys !


Thanks for reading Part – 1 , 2 & 3..... If you didn't read it then please read it!

I hope you read this and love it....


( Next day* )

( Saw a new girl sitting with Rishi* )

Me            – Hey it's my seat actually...😊🙂

She          – ohh I'm so sorry... But can I please sit here today.... Please....!!!😊🥺

Me            – Umm... Okay...🙂

Teacher – Okay students... let's welcome sofiya... your new classmate... she's from Rishi's previous school.....

Me            – What??!! 😨😥 Sofiya "S".... That means Rishi crush was Sofiya.... 😥

( At break* )

Sofiya      – You're sakshi right??!!

Me              – Ya!! 😊

Sofiya      – Nice to meet you sakshi!! I'm sofiya....

Me             – Nice to meet you too!!! 😊

Sofiya      – You're Rishi seatmate right??!!

Me             – Ya...

Sofiya     – It must have been hard to sit with him??!!

Me           – kind of....

Sofiya   – Ya... I can understand... He's rude... But he's actually a nice person...😊

Me          – But how do you know??!!

Someone – Sofiya??

Sofiya     – I'm sorry I'll have to go...

( Sofiya leaves* )

Abhi       – Hey Beautiful!! 😊🥰

Me          – hey!! Can I ask you a question??!!

Abhi       – Ya!!

Me           – Who's she??

Abhi        – Who??!! Sofiya?! She is Rishi's family friend.

( In class* )

Teacher – Okay students your exams are starting from next month.... So start preparing for it....

Sofiya    – But ma'am I'm new so I don't have any notes...

Teacher – Ya... you can ask for help from someone...

Sofiya    – Ok ma'am... 😊

Sofiya to Rishi – Rishi can you help me??

Rishi        – What but why me??

Sofiya     – Please help me... please... Didn't uncle ask you to help me!! 🙄😏

Rishi        – Okay fine!! 😐

Sofiya     – Okay.... Then let's meet at your place??!!

Me            – Whatt??!! 😨😳

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