Confession Of Love...! ( Part - 5 )

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Hi guys !

This is My Part 5 ( Confession Of Love ...! ) of HATE BECOMES LOVE story.

Thanks for reading Part – 1 , 2 , 3 & 4..... If you didn't read it then please read it!

I hope you read this and love it....


( After few days* )

Abhi – Hey!! ☺️

Me – Hi! 🙃

Abhi – What happened... why are you looking upset??

Me – I don't know... why Rishi is ignoring me these days... 😟

Abhi – Wait a minute... why is his ignorance affecting you so much??? 😂😂

Abhi – See, I was right... you do have feelings for him.... 😂 😂

Me – there's nothing like that...

( In class* )

Me – ( do I really like him... 😊 )

( no... no... it's not possible... I hate him... )

( but he's actually a good person... 😊 )

Teacher – Sakshi stop staring at Rishi and concentrate in the class...

Me – Yes ma'am... 😳

Everyone starts laughing* 😂 😂

Rishi smirks at me*

Me – ( Embarrassed* )

( At home* )

Me , stalking Rishi on Instagram*

Me – he's actually cute... 😊🥰 Wait... why am I stalking him... have I really fallen for this guy....

Me – No!!!! 😑 😑

( Next day* )

Rishi and Sofiya talking to each other*

Me – Rishi!!

Rishi – let's go Sofiya...

Sofiya – Ya....

Me – Remembering*

|| Misty – do you have a crush on anyone....

Rishi – Yes!! Her name starts with "S" ||

Me – So , it's Sofiya.... Of course.... How can it be you... 😔😟

( what even if I do like him... he doesn't... )

Rishi – What??!!

Me – Nothing...

( At home* )

Me – 😔 😔

Grandma – What happened bata??!! Why are you looking upset??!! 😟

Me – Nothing grandma... 🙂

Grandma – beta... can I ask you something??

Me – Sure Grandma... 🙂 🙂

Grandma – beta... why don't you go to abroad for higher studies??! 😊🥰

Me – Why grandma?? I want to be with you all.... I don't want to go abroad... 🙄😑

Grandma – I am not forcing you beta... take your time and tell me... okay.... 🙂 🙂

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