Chapter 9: a day off

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Usually, Tommy enjoyed his days off from work. Although he tried to take as many hours as he could, there were still times when he had a day or two off. In the past he, Tubbo, and Ranbo would try to coordinate the days they had off so they could all spend time together. These days off were special for the trio, almost always spent curled up on their couch in a pile of blankets and pillows, snacking on whatever food they had in the apartment while rewatching their favorite movies together.

Today... wasn't like that though.

It had only been a few days since their argument. The air in the apartment had been nearly suffocating with tension as Tubbo gave Tommy the cold shoulder, with Ranboo awkwardly trying to act as a mediator between them. Tubbo had made it clear he wasn't going to stop with the pissy attitude until Tommy came clean with his secrets, while at the same time Tommy refused to say anything unless Tubbo and Ranboo opened up about their own shit first.

So basically, they were at a stalemate.

Tubbo was sitting at his computer, working on some more coding assignments although he technically had the day off. Ranboo was curled up into the far corner of the couch, headphones over his ears as he tried to put all his focus on his DS. And Tommy was trying to watch a documentary on sharks to take his mind off things, but it wasn't working very well.

Tommy was bothered by two major things right now. One was obviously the fight he was having with his roommates, but the other was the knowledge that at the end of the week he was going to go meet with the Syndicate for the first time. The idea of going to the supervillain meeting loomed above him, his anxieties popping up in the back of his mind to remind him of everything that could go wrong.

Siren said he would protect him, but how far would he go? Were the villains going to be grateful for his help, or were they going to demand more than he could give?

There were a lot of ways the meeting could go wrong, but Tommy also couldn't forget the fear in Arson's voice. If Tommy hadn't been there, Iceman would've died. That was going to happen to more villains, because the heroes lied to the public to make themselves look better.

Going to the Syndicate meeting was like walking into a lion's den, but Tommy knew he had to do it. If another villain died when he could've helped them, he would never be able to bury the guilt.

So, yeah, suffice to say he was stressed out of his mind. Sitting in the apartment, struggling not to think of the Syndicate meeting while his roommates gave him the cold shoulder was practically torture for his nerves.

He needed to get out of there. Do something to distract himself.

Well... he hadn't talked to Wilbur in a few days, now had he?

Wilbur had given Tommy his number a little while ago, but he hadn't had a reason to call him on it before. Although they had only hung out on the days Wilbur came into the cafe, Wilbur had said he and Tommy were friends, so it wasn't too weird for Tommy to want to hang out with him on his day off, right?

Hopefully not. If Wilbur wasn't available or didn't want to see him today, Tommy was probably just going to wander around the city anyway just to escape Tubbo's icy glances.

Picking up his phone, he typed in Wilbur's contact and pressed the call button, not bothering to move to another room as the phone rang in his ear.

One ring.

Two rings.



"Hey Wil," Tommy greeted, ignoring the surprised glances from Tubbo and Ranboo since they hadn't noticed him making a call. "Are you, uh, busy today?"

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