Pass the limit

500 30 12

3rd Person POV:

Yn: So... We all agree with the plan?

Darcy: It'll do with what we know of them.

Fred: It doesn't matter to me in the slightest. I'll be the last one standing either way.

The trio turned towards their opponents.

The trio turned towards their opponents

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Yagami stepped up to be the first to attack

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Yagami stepped up to be the first to attack.

Yagami: Let's go!

Yn:(Smirks) Heh...

Eri:(Speaker) Go!

With his large multiplier still active, Yn ran ahead of the others, seemingly to brawl with Yagami.

Yagami: It's you and me!

Yn: Sorry, I prefer to dance with someone stronger!

Yagami: Hm?

Flipping over Yagami, Yn used him as a stepping stone to launch himself toward the two girls behind the class representative. Pushing him forward in the process.

Fred then slid and tripped Yagami to completly fall forward where he fell straight into Darcy's uppercut which flipped him over onto his back.

Meanwhile, Yn kicked Tsuki in the face to launch himself toward Nori.

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