A different route

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In a dark room only illuminated by a single lamp a heated discussion was taking place

"Mr sakayanagi i beg of you please place him under my custody" a man bowed his head onto the table for the 3rd time

"I'm sorry but you have to understand Dr maruo that his circumstances are extremely complicated seeing as you were his personal doctor for 12 years" the man named sakayanagi refused his proposal once more

"Do you honestly believe that he should attend a school made to nature geniuses, isn't the same objective of the whiteroom?. Don't you think he should lead a normal life after all he's been through.". he paused to let that sink before continuing "we owe him that much don't you think"

"........" Mr sakayanagi was stunned, this was a once in a life time opportunity yet he couldn't find a way to refute or give a reason as to why the child should be enrolled to his school without sounding selfish

If one listened closely to the conversation they would detect a hint of regret in their words, after all they could have easily exposed and stop the activity of that place earlier saving hundreds of children's life but they were fearful that their own family would get hurt

"Neither of you plan to back down so why don't we just offer both suggestion to him" the third person suggested getting bored of the back and forth

"......" another pause, such a simple solution yet neither of them thought to do so

The two agreed and the 3 elongated shadows withdrew from the walls leaving only 2 cups of cold coffee in the room

Time skip

Ayanokoji pov

I stared at the white walls surrounding me as i laid on the bed arms stretched out like a starfish

Sigh "even after leaving that place i still surrounded by white" i mused at my miserable fate 'but to think the outside world was so beautiful' i recollected the memories of plants and buildings during my ride over

Still thinking about the bird who excreted on a guys head my stomach started to rumble "i wonder if they have anything to eat"

i knocked on the metal door and a voice came through the wall "yes?" replied a deep voice

"could i have something to eat"

There was no reply so i assumed my request was denied, "so what now" i thought letting the key card that i picked from a guard dance along my fingers

suddenly after awhile the door opened and 2 guards entered carrying a plate of food 

"thanks" i told them as they left the room

"So this is a burger?"  i analysed the food on the table

Taking the fork i plunged it into the burger before taking a knife and cutting it to pieces

picking up a portion with the fork i placed it into my mouth "Aaaa"

It wasn't amazing but it was enough to satiate my hunger. Scraping up the last morsel i let out a satisfying burp

"Now that that's over what should i do?" I looked at the pale metal door

"Hey i'm bored at least give me to entertain me" i banged on the door continuosly like a child

When i was in the white room i weren't allowed to act out so it was nice to get to do it at least once

'Bam. Bam. Bam. Bum.?' on the last hit instead of the cool metallic door i felt something weird

Opening my eyes i saw that my fist was on my doctor mar head



Slowly i removed my hand and petted the little bump forming

"Please take a seat" the other man points at the bed letting a small snicker

"Don't really have any other choice do i" i looked back at their guards carrying guns

He looked back and sent them away

"So what do you want?"

"You have three options presented to you by the Government, First enroll in japans most private school where you can further your knowledge, Second stay with this gentleman's daughter where you will learn normality where you will eventually integrate into society, or you can stay in this facility for the rest of your life solving the mysteries of these world using your knowledge"

"Normality? I expected that you people would want to exploit me" i was flabbergasted at his words

"We are humans too you know" i detected pain in his words

"Nuclear war, Tyranny, Torture, Famine all these were accomplished by humans"

Sigh "let's not get into this just tell us what you want" he waved our conversation away

"This school do you truly believe that i will learn something, anything from it"

He didn't respond

"And do you think living with your daughters can help me in anyway"

"Honestly hanging out with children your age will teach you how to behave normal, along with giving you as much freedom as you want"

"What about money?"

"I'll give you an allowance and if you want more you can tutor my daughters"

"Anything else you would like to add Mr ?"

"Sakayanagi" he introduced


"... If you attend Koudo Ikusei Senior High you may find someone that can challenge you"


"Listen the world is a huge place, there's bound to be somone that's may pose a challenge to me"

"A challenge?" Both man repeated

"This may sound arrogant of me but i don't believe anyone can beat me" i crossed one leg over the other

"Like you said the world is a huge place" Mr sakayanagi challenged

"Doesn't matter, i'm still on top of it" i  answered haughtily

"So what do you choose" Dr maruo cut our conversation short

"Both choices are interesting but only one matches with my desires"

"I choose you pikachu"

(Nah jk)

"I'l go with Dr maruo"

Mr sakayanagi shoulders slump and he walked out of the room with a downcasted expression

"I'll be in your care then" i held out my hand to which he shook

I plan to make this into a fic

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