A different route part 3

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Fuutaro pov

I took a deep breath before releasing a sigh 'was it really necessary for me to do this' i thought back to yesterday when i was drugged by Nino before being sent back home, a picture of Raiha smiling entered my mind and all doubts disappeared into thin air

Turning the knob i swung open the door to see all the sisters sitting on the couch. I rubbed my eyes once then twice before opening them again, was this a dream, could i finally tutor them without being drugged or insulted

Nino looked up from her phone and there was a big smile on her face, "i'm ready to learn Fuutarou sensei!".
"Stop gawking at us" she glared at me with an enraged expression, snapping me out of my dream

I forced a smile onto my face "Nino are you here to join us" She waved a finger at me before returning back to her phone, sigh at least the other 4 are here.

"Hey yotsuba why is the atmosphere like this" i turned to

"Well it's kinda hard to explain but our dad hired a butler for us and he is kinda sleeping in Nino's bed" she scratches the back of her head and let out a little laugh

'A butler?, don't they already have one, must be nice to be rich' "Nino why don't you take your mind off him by studying" i laid out the material on the table

"Screw off" she stood and walked away

"Anyways why don't we get started" i handed out the practice paper i made to their respective sister"


After going through the mistake they made during the test ichika excused herself  due to work reasons

"So after subbing in this formula into the equation you must divide it by the total" i helped itsuki with her math homework

"Ne Fuutarou can you solve this question?" she points at a college level questions that was written on a blank paper

"Uh.... I don't think, yeah no" i shaked my head as i haven't learnt something this complicated yet

Suddenly there was someone leaning over my back, i jumped to the side to get a full view of the stranger

He had maroon brown hair which complimented his golden brown eyes, and he seems rather muscular

"You must be the butler" i held out my hand "Uesugi Fuutarou"

"Kiyotaka ayanokoji" he shook with a tight grip

He then took the paper from itsuki and started writing, his hand flew across the paper as he wrote down equation after equations leaving me and itsuki astounded

"Amazing" i muttured with the solution infront of me

"How did you do it!!" Itsuki grabbed and shook ayanokoji "and without a calculator too"

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"How did you do it!!" Itsuki grabbed and shook ayanokoji "and without a calculator too"

"Well it's rather simple" he answers with a straight face while being shook "first you" he starts explaining but it only made it more confusing and in the end itsuki eyes started swirling, even i felt a little dizzy

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