Headspace for our system!

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I know! Amazing, Fan? Still here? A shocker! Im not leaving the front, I have Paintbrush irl, a Lightbulb fictive and a Trophy irl to talk to. And the NEED to blog! So I am. 

Our headspace!! So basically the fronting room is a coffee shop. And like there is this back room/break room area where basically! You hang out it. Its like a half fronting room and a half headspace. Because if your fronting and/or front stuck, which Im pretty sure Huni is. You can still go into the break room! But! You can hang out in the breakroom if your not fronting! 

Anyways so the door in the coffee shop, like behind the counter (which is I hwhere we stand if we're fronting) theres a door, which is the door that leads to the break/back room. And then, from the break/back room, theres another door that leads outside to the woods.

I have no idea about whats beyond those woods because Im pretty sure all the others were in there(woods), or like in a tent, or hiding. Because when I gave myself and Huni (because Huni cant open the door to get to the wooded area) No one was around. 

But thats the headspace! Which is pretty cool! 

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