Fan is back + headspace info!!

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We have two Emmets and a very angry OJ and Test Tube! And like it's great
Having a blast
I've been blogging in the headspace so sorry guys whoops forgot to exist for a minute there haha. But I'm back!! With news that the host is a Nickel and GB irl. Love that/sarc
Also is dating this Silver Spoon alter from the same system where I'm dating Trophy also TROPHY ISNT ONLINE. Like come on!! Anyways the headspace is okay ig. The wooded area isn't half bad. There's internet so yeah. You kind of lose track of time as well. It's also night there as well so.. but the stars and moon is pretty. Test Tube came over and hung with me for a bit before leaving. It's quiet. The coffee house break room fronting area thing is kind of loud, and crowded with a lot of people. Kind of weird. Anyways I'm back! Enjoy knowing more about the headspace!!

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