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Izuku felt like shit.

It was the middle of the night, and Izuku could not stop vomiting. He had been kneeled over the toilet for ages, throwing up all the food he had eaten over the last day or so. It was probably just a stomach bug he had caught from Ochako - his friend had been sick for the past four days, only being able to get back to her hero work the previous day. Luckily, her girlfriend Tsuyu had been able to take care of her, holding her hair back as she vomited (how romantic).

Izuku sighed, leaning back against the bathroom door. He hated taking time off work, but he couldn't go on patrol if he was throwing up every five minutes. It wasn't fair on him or the other heroes.

Besides, even the number 1 hero had to take a break, right?

Suddenly there was a knock on the bathroom door, startling Izuku out of his thoughts.

"You okay in there, nerd?" came Katsuki's groggy voice. It was obvious he had just woken up.

Izuku opened the lock on the bathroom door, moving out the way to let his boyfriend in.

"I can't stop throwing up. I think I caught Ochako's sickness." croaked out Izuku, his throat burning from constant vomiting. He clutched his stomach, feeling the achy pain reappear.

Katsuki frowned, looking down at Izuku who was curled up beside the toilet. He was even paler than usual, making the huge bags under his eyes even more prominent. He looked completely exhausted.

"Can you stand up?"

Izuku opened his mouth to respond, but Katsuki got there before him.

"Don't speak, it'll hurt your throat, dumbass. Just nod or shake your head." Izuku shook his head, clutching his stomach even harder as it got more painful.

Katsuki sighed, before bending down to pick Izuku up bridal style and carry him back to their shared bedroom. The greenette squeaked slightly as he was picked up, clinging onto his boyfriend tightly. Normally, Izuku was the one picking Katsuki up; over the years Izuku had grown a lot taller than he used to be. It annoyed Katsuki, as Izuku loved to make fun of the blonde for being short (granted, Izuku was only about half an inch taller). The teasing usually ended up in a make-out session as part of Katsuki's efforts to shut up his boyfriend.

Anyway, Katsuki had placed Izuku back into bed, leaning his back against the headboard of the bed and placing an All Might blanket over his torso. He passed Izuku a glass of water and the tv remote.

"Put something on tv, I'll go make you some tea and let Aizawa know we aren't gonna be at work." spoke Katsuki, before pressing a gentle kiss against Izuku's forehead. He then left the room, smirking as he heard his boyfriends embarrassed spluttering. Izuku was always quite shocked whenever Katsuki willingly showed any physical affection.

Katsuki wandered into the kitchen and filled up the kettle with water. He turned the stove on to heat up the kettle, and then got two matching cups out of the cupboards. The cups - chosen by Izuku, much to Katsuki's distaste - were All Might themed. Izuku had gotten them custom made for the pair's second anniversary. They were both exactly the same design; a huge image of All Might doing his signature pose, the famous smile stuck on his face. The only difference was that Izuku's mug said 'Deku's :D' on the handle and Katsuki's said 'Kacchan's :)<3'. Katsuki thought it was adorable, he absolutely loved the mugs.

The kettle began to whistle, indicating that the water had finished boiling. Katsuki moved quickly, pouring the boiling water into the mugs and adding the tea. It was muscle memory at this point, both of them drinking endless amounts of tea a day.

Once he finished the tea, he started making soup. Specifically, chicken soup. It was Izuku's favourite meal when he was ill, something he had discovered when visiting America a few years ago. The kind Izuku liked wasn't very common in Japan, so it wasn't in any of the recipe books Katsuki owned. He googled the recipe, finding an easy one that he had all the ingredients for. After collecting all the ingredients and utensils he needed, Katsuki began to cook. First he made the sauce, then swiftly chopped up the vegetables and added them in. Next, he found some leftover chicken from a curry he had made a few days ago. He pulled it apart, before throwing it in with the sauce and vegetables.

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