Chapter 2

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She got out of the car, grabbed the note and she started to read it. "I told you, you can't save him. And now you are to late. He wil die."  She thought to herself. "This must be the homeless man, but why? Why is he doing this?" She looked around but he was no where to be seen. But then she saw a little girl staring at her. The little girl pointed at the back of Mary's car. Mary was so confused so she turned around and she saw what she was pointing at. And there on the back window was writing in blood that said. "He will die." With an arrow pointing at Timothy. Mary started to worry. She went to the nearest shop and made a phone call, to her fiancé, Alex Brown. "Hey honey can you please come to Timmy's school. There is a..."
"I'm on my way." Without knowing what was the problem he rushed to the school. When he got there. He could see Mary was scared. "What is wrong honey?" She gave him the note to read. When he was finished he asked." Who wrote this?"
"I'm not sure. But that isn't all, go look at the back of my car on the window." He walked to the back of her car and he started to read. When he saw the arrow pointing at Timothy. He snapped. He walked up to Mary and asked. "Honey look at me, did anyone try to hurt you or Timothy?"
"There was this homeless man who isn't leaving me alone. I saw him this morning before I went into the bar. And I saw him now at the school." Alex was quite for about 2 seconds. He gave his car keys to Mary and said. "Here take my car. I will take your car and I will let them wash it. And don't worry about Timothy he will be save with me."
"Okay." He kissed her mouth and walked to her car. They both drove away. Mary went to his home and she started to unpack, all her things. Alex drove to the nearest garage and said to the people working there. "I want this car spotless please." He parked the car and said to Timothy without looking at him. "Hey buddy are you alright?"
"Yes i'm fine." When he turned around to look at Timothy he saw his black eye. "What happend to your face?" He asked. "Some guy punched me in the face. But mom took care of it. His dad is going to pay the hospital fees to make sure I am okay."
"His dad, how old was this guy?"
"Mom said he looked liked he was in grade 10. And his dad is my school principal."
"I will take you..."
"There, sir there!"
"Timothy what, are you..."
"The homeless man I saw him." Alex looked around but he couldn't see him. "Timmy where did you see him?"
"I saw him at my school and now at the corner. " Alex kept quiet for a few seconds and said. "Come let's go." When they got out of the car. Alex asked Timothy. "Do you want a milksake?"
"Yes please sir." They went into fat mama's ice cream shop. "Table for two?" Asked a waitress. "Yes, please." Said Alex. "Follow me." They got to their table. The waitress gave them a menu and left. "What do you want Timothy?" Timothy looked at all the ice creams and said. "Sir, can I get a double bubblegum?"
"Good choice, that is my favorite." The waitress came back and asked them. "What can I get you?"
"Can you please give us two double bubblegum?"
"Will that be all?"
"Yes, thank you."
"No problem." While the waitress walked away she winked at Alex. "Sir she likes you."
"I'm sorry."
"She likes you, the waitress." Alex just started to laugh. "How do you know that?"
"Because mom looks at you like that."
"So your mother likes me?"
"I think so sir."
"Okay, what would you say if I asked you and your mom to be with me. And be my family?"
"Sir, I don't know, my mom is still sad because..."
"Mr. Alex Brown." Said a voice behind him. "Yes." He turned around to see two cops with a big yellow envelope. "May we talk for a minute?" Said one of the cops. "Of course." Said Alex.
"In private."
"I'm sorry but my son has been through a lot today. And we just..."
"It's about your father. Andrew Brown." "You must have the wrong person. Because my father is dead."
"No he is alive, and missing, and not well."

Chapter 3 coming soon. Hope you enjoyed chapter 2. Please leave a star and a comment. And tell me what you think.
Love U all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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