Chapter 4

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Third Person Pov:

After last night incident with Sam Silver decided to clear up her mind and be SilverTail and be with Optimus and Sentinel. Right now the Prime trio was in the middle of a small desert right now at the moment and we're in their vehicle forms driving. Sentinel was right in front of Optimus, Optimus behind Sentinel and in front of SilverTail and SilverTail behind Optimus. She wasn't going to lie though she hated being she smallest of all the Autobot's, especially when it came to the height comparison with the other two Prime's SilverTail having to be the smallest. BEE WAS LITERALLY THE SMALLEST IN THE TEAM AND YET HE WAS TALLER THAN SILVERTAIL! A LITRAL PRIME. But anyways the Prime's then made a stop then transformed. "So majestic, and peaceful this planet, unlike the final days of cybertron" Said Sentinel. "It was a sad day for all us Cybertronian's, me and Optimus always wondered what might have been, if you fought the final battle instead of Optimus" SilverTail said. "Never mourn the past young warriors, thanks to the both of you our race has survived" Said Sentinel. "I appreciate the honor, sir but I don't deserve any of it it should all go to Optimus, he's had longer experience than I have" SilverTail said. "Your a Cyberwolf, the last remaining. Cyberwolves had been Cybertron's mightiest warriors and hero's before the war had even started, I should know for I met one of their leaders" Sentinel said. "You did?" SilverTail asked. "Yes, before war had started a met a Cyberwolf leader named NightDream, she had told me that one day I shall meet their last descendent as a Prime, she has had visions of you seeing your future before you even stood foot on Cybertron, she said that you would be a great leader, and here you are today. You shouldn't get down on yourself too much young Warrior" Sentinel said. SilverTail then got on one knee and felt her chest plate open to reveal The Matrix of Leadership. "I may have not knew you, and you may have not fought along side with me, but you fought along side Optimus and the team I see today, you were our leader Sentinel, it is right that you lead us again" SilverTail said as she held the matrix of leadership up to Sentinel. "In a world I do not know, I am no longer your teacher Optimus and SilverTail, You two are" He said as he pushed the Matrix back to SilverTail. SilverTail took the matrix back and bowed. "I will do my best sir" SilverTail said. SilverTail then got back up. "Then what are we waiting for, Prime's Transform and roll out!" SilverTail said as she transformed and drove away with the Prime's right behind her. 

*Small time skip*

Sentinel was the first one to reach to base but what Optimus and SilverTail didn't expect was for him to betray them. "We got decepticon's everywhere" Sam said. "I know I got my whole team deploy looking for them, Ironhide!" Yelled the soldier. Bumblebee, Sentinel and Ironhide then transformed. "Get him locked up inside" The soldier said. "Consider it done" Ironhide said. "You gotta guard him cause he's the key to the whole thing" Sam said. "Indeed I am, what you must realize my Autobot brothers is we were never going to win the war, for the sake of our planet's survival a deal had to be made, with Megatron and NightHowl" Sentinel said as he shot Ironhide. "Get back!" Yelled the soldier. "What have you done" Ironhide said. "I here by discharge you from duty" Sentinel said and with one last shoot Ironhide was gone. "Bee!" Sam called out. Sentinel then started shooting around the base. Sentinel then transformed and drove away. Ironhide then started to rust and then sadly had passed. Sentinel then entered the base and started attacking. "Hey Sentinel! What is going on!" Yelled Charlotte. One of the soldiers tried to shoot Sentinel but dodged the attack. "I am a Prime! I do not take orders from you" Said Sentinel and started destroying the base even more. "Now return what belongs to me!" Exclaimed Sentinel. Sentinel then left with the Pilar's and that's the time where Optimus and SilverTail had came. Optimus and SilverTail then transformed and saw all the damage that was done at base. "Yeah! Take a look Optimus and SilverTail! This is all on both of you!" Charlotte exclaimed. Optimus and Silver looked down at the ground. "Is it true, Prime is it really our fault" SilverTail asked as she looked up at Optimus. "Sometimes, even Prime's make mistakes even one's like Sentinel" Optimus said. "Right" Silver whispered as she looked back at the ground. And with Sentinel he now had the five Pilar's back in his possession on earth. Moment he places the Pilar's together earth will be in danger. Sentinel then started placing the Pilar's across a small little lake. Then there was Megatron and NightHowl. "Ah, my masters such a brilliant scheme" Said Starscream. "So, when Sentinel left Cybertron, it was to defect" Starscream said. "He was meant to rendezvous with us here on earth" NightHowl said. "Before fate waylaid us both" Megatron said as both Starscream, NightHowl and him walked into the small area where the Abraham Lincoln statue was. "The only way to revive him we needed both Prime's and their Matrix's" Megatron said. "Excellent strategy" Said Starscream. NightHowl then brought up her blaster and shot the statue. And SilverTail and Optimus had just arrived. Megatron was now sitting on the statue's chair while NightHowl sat on the arm rest of the chair. "So he is now your partner, masters?" Starscream asked. "He is our greatest triumph" NightHowl said. "So impressive" Starscream said. "Commencing Transport" Said Sentinel. "Stop!" Yelled Optimus and SilverTail in sync. "No! No! Sentinel!" SilverTail called out. "Forgive me" said Sentinel. Then he activated the Pilar's. "Here we are" said Megatron. "Fight us now" said NightHowl. The ground bridge then opened and A whole army of decepticon p's came out of it. Optimus and SilverTail then started chasing after Sentinel. "Autobot's retreat!" SilverTail yelled. SilverTail then transformed into her Cyberwolf form then jumped on top of Sentinel then transformed back. Sentinel then tackled SilverTail and pushed her away. Optimus then came in to attack Sentinel but got pushed away to where Silver was at. "Why Sentinel? Why!?" Exclaimed Optimus. "For Cybertron, for our home!" Said Sentinel. "What war destroyed, we can rebuild. But only if we join with the decepticons" Sentinel said as he put the side of his sword towards Optimus's and SilverTail's necks. "No it's not the only way!" SilverTail exclaimed as she pushed the sword away and punched Sentinel. "This is our home!" SilverTail exclaimed. "We must defend the humans" Optimus said. "So lost you are, Optimus and SilverTail, on Cybertron we were gods, and here they call us machines. Let the humans serve us or perish" Sentinel said then walked away. "Your lucky I didn't kill either of you" Said Sentinel. "In time" he finished. Optimus helped SilverTail up and both the Prime's looked towards Sentinel. "It's not over" they said in sync.

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