Chapter 6

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Third person Pov:

"You can fly this thing right?" Sam asked. Bee shrugged. "What is that, what is that, so, so" Sam asked. Silvertail hit Sam slightly behind the head. "Talk to Bee like that again it'll be worse" SilverTail aka Silver said. "Yeah, I know that, Sis" Sam whispered. "So you can, so, so fly this" Sam said now looking towards Bee. "That sounds terrible" Sam said. "We're right behind ya" Said a soldier giving Sam a gun. Bee then took off away with the jet and Sam went off 🏃‍♀️ who knows where. Now it was time to kick some old Prime ass. "Autobot's, prepare to transform and-" Before Silver could finish she got cut off by Optimus. "And Roll out!" Optimus said as he ran and transformed. "Dang it beat me to it" SilverTail said as she ran and transformed to. "Autobot victory, Autobot victory" said wheelie. Optimus and Silvertail took a turn to the left and then Shockwave appeared. Optimus and Silvertail then started pushing on the gas trying to escape Shockwave. Silvertail and Optimus then transformed and started running to a small hiding area  "They got my trailer, I need that flight deck" Optimus said. "Shockwave can't hunt all of us at once" SilverTail said as she loaded up her blaster. "Wreckers we need a diversion" SilverTail said looking towards all the Autobot wreckers. "Let's get some!" Yelled a wrecker. "Listen we're gonna circle around that glass building right there" Said a soldier. "While you guys draw us fire" The soldier said and ran away. "Wait a minute I'm not letting you go without my urban combat prototypes" Said Que. "we gotta go Que" said a wrecker. "They're great inventions for kicking ass" Said Que. "what are these?" Asked a soldier as he picked up a boom stick. "These are boom-sticks, armed in 30 seconds, grab Le gloves for climbing" Que said. Meanwhile back with the others. "Move! Move!" Exclaimed SilverTail. "Go! Go! Go!" Exclaimed Optimus. "Prime on your left!" SilverTail yelled. Optimus then saw a decepticon about to attack him but before the con could do anything Optimus shot it. Silvertail then saw some jet parts for her and Optimus to use. "Prime get ready to suit up" SilverTail said as she threw Optimus the jet parts. Once they had got the jet parts on they then flew to the area where Sam was at. "We're coming for you!" Yelled Optimus. Both SilverTail and Optimus then got their blasters out and started shooting at the decepticon creature. Silvertail then got her sword out and sliced one of the tentacles off. Silvertail then flew up higher and started shooting at the Decepticon. Optimus and Silvertail then looked at each other then nodded. They then came crashing down towards the decepticon and flew right through it making it explode into pieces.  Optimus and Silvertail then landed on a small construction area. SilverTail then saw Shockwave. Shockwave then shot at Optimus and Silvertail. Just as they were about to fly away they then got hit and started crashing down. Silvertail and Optimus both then got stuck in a small net thing, and the position they were in well let's just say SilverTail was on top of Optimus while Optimus was below her. Silvertail and Optimus started groaning as they tried to break free from the net. "Optimus! SilverTail!" Yelled out one of the wreckers. "Wreckers!" Yelled out SilverTail. "We're coming!" Yelled the wrecker. "Gosh it better be soon" SilverTail mumbled being very uncomfortable with the position her and Optimus were in. The wreckers then came to both the Prime's and tried to get them out of the net. "Hurry their triggering the pillars!" Yelled one of the wreckers. Silvertail then felt her eyes shut she then saw Bee, Que and a few of the other Autobot's getting taken by decepticons. "Bee I think their gonna kill us" Said Que. Silvertail then felt her eyes open and felt tears running down her face. She felt her ears twitch and heard Que die. "Bee..." SilverTail whispered. "No! Bee!" SilverTail yelled as she tried to get out of the net. "BEE!" SilverTail yelled. "SilverTail, there is no hope we have lost" Optimus said. "No! Bee! No It can't end like this!" SilverTail yelled. Silvertail then felt her ears twitch again now Sam  was gonna try and save Bee. "No, No! Sam!" SilverTail yelled. Silvertail then got her sword out and tried to cut open the net. With one more cut the net then came apart. Optimus and Silvertail landed and Silvertail started running towards Bee and Sam. SilverTail was then grabbed by a decepticon. "Let go of Me!" Yelled SilverTail as she shot the decepticon. Silvertail then ran towards the decepticon who was about to kill Bee. She then tackled him down and shot him. Then more and more decepticons started coming out of no where. Silvertail was then pushed away and just as Bee was about to get shot things started falling to the ground allowing Bee and Silvertail to attack the decepticon. The decepticon shot at Bee but he dodged. Silvertail transformed into her wolf form and pinned the decepticon to the ground and started biting his neck cables off. Another decepticon then came out of no where and started attacking Bee. Silvertail then transformed back into her cybertronian form and shot the decepticon. Silvertail then stabbed another decepticon that was just right behind her. Silvertail then flew out of the area and flew to where Optimus was. Silvertail and Optimus then started fighting along side each other fighting and stabbing cons left and right every time they had passed one. Right as there was a con right in front of them SilverTail let her claws be free and stabbed the con. "You die!" Yelled Optimus and Silvertail in sync as they were attacking shockwave. Silvertail then jumped on top of Shockwave then pulled his one eye out. Silvertail then got her blaster out and shot one of the Pilar's.  "Get down here Sentinel" Optimus said. "Optimus, Silvertail, you both forget your places" Sentinel said as he got his sword out. "I bring you cybertron, your home. And still you both choose humanity" Said Sentinel. "You were the one who taught me that freedom is everyone's right" Optimus said. Optimus and Silvertail then got their swords and blasters out and ran towards Sentinel. Optimus pushed Sentinel against a building wall and Silvertail was the one who would punch him. "I will retrigger that Pilar" said Sentinel. "That you'll have to go through us!" SilverTail exclaimed. Sentinel then pushed Optimus and Silvertail off him making all three of them fall to the ground but land. Sentinel kicked Optimus away and Silvertail got in front of Sentinel and staunching him but Sentinel grabbing her wrists and pushing her aside with Optimus. Silvertail then got back up and helped Optimus up and she lunged herself at Sentinel and tried to cut his head off but Sentinel would dodge. "Reinforcements, decepticon ships fire at Optimus and Silvertail" Exclaimed Sentinel. Silvertail then kicked Sentinel then shot at him. Sentinel then grabbed Optimus and Silvertail and threw them. Decepticon ships then start firing at them making them stay down. Silvertail and Optimus then grabbed their swords and got back up. The fight then led to a bridge. "But you could never make the hard decisions!" Yelled Optimus. Silvertail kicked Sentinel and punched him.  "Our planet will survive!" Exclaimed SilverTail as she tried to attack Sentinel. Sentinel then got to Optimus and cut his arm off. Silvertail growled and transformed into her Cyberwolf form and tried to jump on Sentinel but got one of her arms chopped off as well. Silvertail whimpered and transformed back. Sentinel then pushed Silvertail and Optimus to the left part of the bridge Optimus and Silvertail trying to crawl away. "We we're gods once, all of us! But here" Sentinel said. "Please" SilverTail said but both Optimus and Silvertail got kicked down. "There will only be one!" Sentinel said as he was about to stab Optimus and Silvertail he was then shot. Silvertail looked to see who it was and saw that it was... Megatron and NightHowl? "This is our planet!" Exclaimed NightHowl as she kicked Sentinel. "Now, we need a truce" Megatron said. "All we want is to be back in charge" NightHowl said as she dropped Sentinels body. "Besides, who would you be without us, Prime's" Megatron said. "Time to find out" Growled Silvertail as she and Optimus put their battle masks on. SilverTail then granger sword and started attacking Night Howl. Silvertail stabbed NightHowl seeing the energon leak from her chest plate. Silvertail then looked at Her sister optic to optic. "Any last words" SilverTail asked. "Nope, other than decepticons shall rule earth one day" NightHowl said. Silvertail growled then used her sword to cut NightHowl in half. "Optimus, Silvertail all I ever wanted was the survival of our race" Said Sentinel. "You must see why I have betrayed you both" Sentinel said. "You didn't betray us" Optimus said. "You betrayed yourself" SilverTail said as she got her blaster out and pointed it towards Sentinel. "No! Silvertail! Optimus!" Exclaimed Sentinel. But SilverTail just shot him without hesitation. And it was all a happy ending. Sam and Carly had a small romantic like moment. Bee was right next to them and looked around for something. He then got two small bullets for scars and all that gave it to Sam and Carly and played the here comes the bride music. "I love this car" Carly said. "Yeah but you gotta slow down, you gotta slow way down why don't you go and bother SilverTail and Optimus with that" Sam said as he looked up at Bee. Bee then kinda did a small snap with his fingers then kinda spied on Optimus and Silvertail. "What is he doing" Carly asked. "Don't know, but if it mentions Optimus and my sister I'm in" Sam said. "Wait Silvertail is your sister Silver?" Carl asked. "Yeah, I found out after the ship exploded" Sam said. Before Carly could say anything Sam then ran towards Bee and watched what he was doing. SilverTail walked towards her sisters "body" and saw a slight shiny thing. Silver then grabbed it and saw it was a small pendant with half of the Cyberwolf logo on it. Optimus then walked up towards Silvertail and put a hand on her shoulder. Silvertail felt herself tense up a bit but calm down in the Prime's touch. "It was for the best" SilverTail whispered. "You sacrificed your own loved one, to save earth SilverTail, you did what's best" Optimus said. "Yeah" Silver said. Silver then heard the buzzing from Bee come right behind her. "Oh Hey Bee, what's up?" Silver asked. Bee then got out two small bolts one the size of Optimus's fingers on his hand and the other the size of SilverTail's fingers on her hands. Silvertail squinted her eyes and looked towards Sam. "What are you looking at me for?" Sam asked. "No reason" SilverTail said. Bee then buzzed for SilverTail to take the big bolt and for Optimus to take the smaller one and their each gonna put it on each other's hands. Silvertail sighed and lent her hand towards Optimus. "What?" Optimus asked. "Are you dumb? Give me your hand you idiot" SilverTail said playfully. Optimus chuckled slightly and then gave Silvertail his hand. Optimus then lent out his hand motioning for Silvertail to give him her hand. Silvertail then gave Optimus her hand and she looked towards Bee. "This isn't some human Prank right" SilverTail asked. Bee shook his head. Silver hummed in response and at the same time Optimus and Silvertail put the bolts on each other's ring fingers. Just as they did that Bee buzzed happily then started playing the here comes the bride music while also buzzing along with the rhythm. Optimus chuckled and felt a slight blue blush come across his face. Silvertail playfully rolled her eyes and also felt a slight Blue blush form on her face. "Ha, Ha very funny" SilverTail said as she playfully smacked Bee behind the head. "Keeping the bolt" Silver said. ::Well I'm just trying to help out:: Bee said shrugging. Silvertail playfully rolled her eyes yet again. 

In any war there are calms between storms

There will be days where we lose faith

Times where our Allie's turn against us

But the day will never come that we forsake this planet 

And it's people

And it's people

The End

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