Chapter 1

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Third Person Pov:

Let's just say it was hard being two different people at once, Silver had to be real SilverTail had to be a fake illusion, Silver had to be a fake Illusion and SilverTail had to be real. Well luckily Silver always puts out an organized schedule. Mondays and Tuesday's Silver was fake, Wednesday's and Thursday's SilverTail was fake, and Friday Silver is fake. And today was the day Silver was real and not a fake illusion. Silver was just casually sleeping until she heard the sound of Carly going up stairs to wake up Sam. Silver groaned knowing what was gonna happen. Every single fucking morning they did this. And that's why Silver never wants a boyfriend. She can live on her own for all she cares. In all honesty she didn't really like this Carly girl, she liked Makayla more than this bitch. Silver groaned and walked straight to their room and shot her gun up to the roof. And yes she used a real gun. "Come on idiots, get up before you make me throw up" Silver said and walked away. Silver then just kept on hearing Sam and Carly speaking all lovey dovey, she always hated it. And the situation was even worse on Valentine's Day. As they kept talking like that Silver decided to speak again. "Oh my gosh, it's so fucking early in the morning could you both just shut up" Silver said while she was in the kitchen. Silver heard Sam sigh. "You know you don't have to be here, you can just go out with your boyfriend you know" Sam said as he got ready. "What boyfriend, I don't even have one and I don't even want one" Silver said as she was waiting for her toast to be done. "I mean Optimus, who else am I talking about" Sam said. Silver growled. Sam did this to her every time she was like this. Sam always knew that Silver had a crush on the Prime, but Silver never liked to admit it. "For the last time Sam, I don't have a crush on Optimus, I dislike him with all my life and soul" Silver growled as she grabbed her toast once it was done. "Mhm, yeah sure" Sam said as he was walking down the stairs. Silver growled and rolled her eyes. Silver was so zoned out that the only thing she heard from Sam was, ::I should be working with the Autobot's::. "Woah, Woah, Woah, Sam working with the Autobot's is a big thing, not even big, I mean a huge thing. It's also very risky" Silver said. "Yeah, but you work with them" Sam said. "Yes but did you forget, I have powers Sam" Silver said. "Yeah, and did your powers help you when you almost died" Sam asked. Silver looked down at the ground after he had said that. "No, but point being is I'm still here and if there's no sacrifice there's no victory, and when I came back to life did we have victory?" Silver asked. "Yes we did" Sam replied. "No we didn't, Megatron is still out there, Athena is somewhere out there to, some other new decepticon recruit is also working along side Megatron, I can keep going" Silver said. "Silver, I know your used to having victory in another way, but in a job like this you can't save everyone" Sam said. Silver sighed. "Yeah, I know" Silver said. "Plus, the government payed for your college and the president gave us both hero medals or whatever" Silver said. Sam chuckled and looked off to the side to see two pictures holding medals. One of them with Sam getting his medal and the other with Silver getting hers. Sam seemed more exited and Silver was also exited but she took hers with pride and confidence and in her picture both the president and Silver silhouetted. "And as I recall that wasn't the highlight of your day" Carly said. "That was such an awkward moment for me though" Silver said. "Why's that?" Carly said. "Eh, apparently Sam was the hero but me I was apparently the invisible asshole" Silver said. She then got a flashback of how she got rewarded with her medal. 

Everyone was congratulating Sam but no one really seemed to notice Silver, So when no one noticed Silver just left the White House and went outside to sit on the steps. Silver looked at her medal and rubbed her thumb against the medal. Silver sighed then heard the sound of a truck horn. ::He did not:: Silver thought. Silver then looked up ahead of her and saw the one and only Prime. Silver couldn't help but chuckle slightly. Silver then walked straight towards the Prime and entered the truck. "What a surprise Prime" Silver said with a wide smile on her face. Optimus chuckled. "I couldn't miss my companions rewarding ceremony" Optimus said. Silver just rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. "Well, crazy that I'm saying this but, I'm glad you came here to see me get my medal and all that" Silver said looking away from the radio. Optimus just chuckled. "Well, today we have nothing to do, I have nothing to do, so why don't we do something you want to do" Optimus said. "What about SilverTail?" Silver asked. "She said she had to get some recharge after a long night of patrol" Prime said. Silver shrugged and hummed as response. "Okay then, let's go then" Silver said as she put a slight smile on. 

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