The Madman and the Hare

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Arriving at the level, the mound pounding shook his spirit silly. Mallets pounding each ired piece into form and the heat edging off into a coldness that he remembered but could not describe. Yet another control panel was in the center of the compound and lofted above Alan was a jittering and rather disgusting lapin heading the operation, frothing some kind of aroused slobber onto to modus. The disdain was enough to make the ravenhead grit his teeth and shudder.

It wasn't long until his vengeful presence was detected.

"Trying to come back to me, eh?! You left me good as dead and get all huffy when I finally have the upper hand! A hypocrite is you, Liddell! Don't blame the messenger who sends your Justice!" The Hare accused, leaning over the panel and pressing down many buttons and levers in doing so.

Industrial compactors shifted over to his position and he quickly moved out of the way to avoid being crushed.

"What Justice is there for the degeneracy of my subconscious!?" Alan argued back, as he was chased all over the floor to save his own life.

"You act as if I never existed until I became dangerous, and you, blindly insisting innocence...It is you guilty of the most deadly sin and you who created your suffering!!" The hare pushed on in his efforts, fixated on the flighty target of his frustrations, "I did nothing but exist and for that you left me with that madman...Watched and nodded as he mutilated me, bit by bit...And you did nothing but agree that it was for the best...HOW COULD YOU ACT SO HOLY!?"

"You were malignant, Hare! Festering in ways I could not hope to control, Hatter was trying to make you lucid again!!" Thing were getting ridiculous, how could Hare loathe him so?

What had he done to this creature to turn the poor thing traitor? Well to put it simply, nothing. In fact, Alan barely acknowledged Hare in his life...Because the Hare was the Hatters business not his own....

"Fair, I was mad, no madder than any other in this head! Yet you gave him the license to the operations!? He is not fit to manage these functions!! Your willful blindness is what made the monster, and as you looked away, as you both looked away, it emerged from within and now you look to me as the culprit once more!!" The March Hare rattles on, pitching and screeching Alan's sin so he may die with them, once and for all.

"It was in you the beast manifests, at least in this way! Are you then not partially responsible!? No better than the rapist himself! How can I look at you for all time!? Take your own decisions into account!" A gust of air from one of the compactors shot him up a distance and put an emergency stop lever in reach to which he pulled, ceasing half the operations, "But I came to you, not to put your crimes on trial."

"You want many things from me, but you deserve none of them...None, none, none! You give me nothing and that is what you receive!" Hare asserted once more but as he was about to crush the boy with one button he hesitated, watching...Waiting for the final word...

"I gave you (Y/n)..." It was as if time stopped, the graveness of the statement settled in the air like dust.

Hare trembled but this time reeling back at his own doings.

"Y-....You-! That-! B-But I- We-!"

"I make no reservations of her to you, Hare. I am to so stupid to believe that I would not lust after her at all...I am not here to judge your crimes...But, I must know..."

The hare could not quickly form a response, uncomfortable mutterings emerged from his lips,"That-! What has happened you cannot know unless you venture out to remember it...But...What can be said about my intentions is...They we're not an act of anger. Not as I can place it...Even at the edge of sanity, I would not hurt-!"

The mechanisms groaned above the two, faltering above the Hare who seemed possessed by some force...This was no longer the Hare he was talking moments ago.

The March Hare continued to work the mechanics, brutally laughing, the sounds echoing in a mixture of madness and despair.

He had to end this and in a stroke of luck, one of the mallets soaked down on a balanced bit of metal. Alan took to the other side and flung himself to the Hare, blade drawn, but before the Hare could welcome his death with open arms, the floor beneath him retracted and Alan could only snatch the key from the mammals neck.

And the silence fell in the level...

"Is there so such thing as a straight answer in this place...?"


Heh...So...How are things? Lmao.

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