One Way to Solve Our Problems

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Down he fell, visited by whispers of memories.

"Pretty birds...But not like her."

"Go...To Wonderland..."

"Killed his family...His lover too."

"She's only a dream..!"

In a burst of blue, he assumed his navy blue tail coat again with the white vest on top and embroidered insignias...The omega pin that pieced together the collar and bow..Black gloves with the fingers cut off and straps up the side. Boots just the same. He was back and ready for action.

Alan gently floated his way down to meet with the ground of his Vale. The Vale of Tears. He could believe it was a river by now...

His eyes trailed upward...A never ending sky above, isn't memory lane proving useless.

"In the very least I'm rid of that hag of a nurse...My consciousness that is..."

He pressed forwards, crossing a domino stepping stone bridge across the water.

"And things do look familiar...I'm not lost..."

"I'd rethink that last statement~"

Alan looked up to see Cheshire Cat with her stained red teeth stretching from ear to ear.

"It's about time too...of course, you were always one for a bit of foreplay..."

"Disgusting...Don't bother trying to nick my nerves, I'm very much on edge as is..."

The cat purred, swishing her tail methodically.

"Purrrfect...A waste of space if you're not on edge~"

Alan huffed and turned to leave with the last word.

"I'm perfectly capable of terrifying myself when necessary, thank you very much. I was planning to escape that."

Chess, appeared before him again, stopping his advance.

"Abandon that hope, Alan. A new law reigns in this Wonderland and it's very rough justice all around. You...Be on your guard..."

Alan tsked as the feline faded away and let him move forward. A shudder wracked his body while he traveled upstream.

"No good cat..." He'd mutter.

The Vale of Tears was almost as he remembered. What pieces of it he could remember was the same...He'd assume the rest was the same but something told him that things were very different.

"But different is good." He reminded himself, popping up atop a cliff overlooking a waterfall.

The falls came from a bottle with the oversized tag saying 'Drink me!' He landed in the valley where the water coalesced...

"Ah, memory lane...Good things in small packages?"

That mangy cat appeared on a floating domino, her grin growing wider if possible.

"I don't expect you to start showing off but a dip in this pool is in order."

"Very well..." Alan sighed walking to the falls and letting the water soak him, though the water rolled off not staying on him. He didn't get wet...He backed away noticing...has the valley gotten bigger or..?

"H-Hey! I'm shrinking in his pool! Will I disappear?!"

"Quite the opposite actually~ Smaller eyes can see things your bigger self cannot.."

He grew back up to his normal size, observing how he stretched back out.

"I get it...The forest for the trees, or...The trees for the forest...Short sighted is merely a matter of perspective."

"Naturally~" The cat purred before leaving Alan once again...

Cheshire always did like coming and going as she pleased...

Through his journey of growing, shrinking and jumping...He encountered a memory...

"I'll never have as much fun alone as when I rode that slide in Hyde park...When you get better I have to take you!"

He was dazed by the sound of your voice.

"(Y/n)..." His eyes followed the blue light that came to a slide at the edge of a cliff.

The light slide down, carrying your giggles with it. He slid after the light...Yes, This was his escape...His solace...His...Wonderland...

Then suddenly the light disappeared at the end of the slide. He landed on the bank of another creek but...It was dyed red...The fowl metallic scent made it unmistakable. A blood river. All at once his happiness was drained as he waded through bloody waters...He came to a pile of bones. That was where the jabberwocky fell...Plunged in his collarbone was the Vorpal Blade...

"The Vorpal Blade is swift and keen, and always ready for service~" Cheshire hissed gleefully as the blade disembarked from the corpse and into Alan's hand.

"I've not come looking for a fight..." The boy retorted examining the blade and finding it much too familiar.

"Pity, it seems one is looking for you~"

When the cat disappeared this time the corruption came about the vale, the black tar poisoning the ground it walked on, slithered on, any kind of motion really. Alan eliminated them like the pests they were. One by one until the tar could not reform again and receded into the darkness.

A path through the trees opened again and as he was exploring through the land he noticed a door. It was of his house, badly charred and burnt. An out of place feature was roses overtaking the stand alone frame in the vale. And so he opened it.

She wouldn't have left me like this. Not if it wasn't for my benefit. (Y/n) was a sweet girl. I could never thank her enough for the life she has given. Maybe letting go is my chance to give back what I have taken...

Coming out he found himself transported through the land just a little ways from the Duchess...

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