Thoughts Are Feeting If But A Moment

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He found himself drawn to an abandoned railway, the station dilapidated and over run by gripping vines and rusting creaks of unused track. Climbing up to the platform he ran his fingers over the dust of corroded metal, observing its progress as if determining the age of the metal but in conclusion he could only deduce it was older than him by many years.

"Looking-Glass line..." He murmured in facication.

It was a memory as he said, but it was different in such a way he could not place. A different that brought warmth to him but another essence of different that shuddered his body, from neck to tail.

At once the derailed cars fell of the lip of a crumbling ledge, tumbling down the steep to a fiery end of forgetfulness.

"Whatever, this is...Its destructive and violent and it doesn't belong here." He determined looking down from the very ledge the train car had slipped.

"And if memory serves, Hatter is more the man for heat. His experiments have gone a tad far for my liking...Or for hers...Whatever is left must suffice."

He turned to the train tunnel and tentatively entered, only for his whole world to shake like tremors of an earthquake. Chunks of the surrounding cliffs crashed down behind Alan, entrapping the young man in the pitch black tunnel.

Suddenly, the presence of that cat washed over him like a wave and at his immediate left was a pair of glowing yellow eyes.

"You and I are more alike than you wish to admit, Alan...Perhaps I should be the object of your affections~ We would get along quite nicely in my opinion~"

The raven head scoffed, "As alike as two north ended magnets. Destined to repel...But for the sake of argument, please explain our similarities."

She purred a hum, thinking about a response when a maddening laugh erupted from the felines lips.

"If you aren't going to be useful then leave," Alan gruffed.

"Oh, I intend to help you, my dear...But you asked the question first so let me elucidate. First, you do so adore word games as do I, you love mind games and so do I, you have cat Like night vision and...Oh, look~" Her eyes widened as his eyes illuminated a feline green.

He looked down the tunnel and indeed he could see in the dark much as an animal could. He wandered down the tunnel since the cat had lost all purpose to him.

The other mouth of the tunnel opened to a village of tea pot trolls who were extremely territorial. Using what cutlery available to defend themselves from the raging madman.

It was for naught as Alan breathlessly cut through their numbers to reach the station for the tea rail leading to the home of the Mad Hatter. The man Alan had suspicions of involving the corruption of his mind.

"Hatter, the essence of my actions, you must surely know what is happening to me. And you must remember some detail of (Y/n) that eludes me."

He did not hesitate to blow to horn that summoned the tea cup to him. Once he entered and the cup started its way to the Domain of the Hatter, Cheshire appeared then as well. Apparating before his eyes. He tried his best to ignore her existence in the vator like strangers silence. Though his voice couldn't keep for the thoughts in his head.

"It almost as I remember it...From all those years ago." He mentioned looking out the window.

The cat had not moved or deviated from her straight stare in the middle of the front of the pot as she spoke, "Appearances, as you know better than most, can be deceiving. Much has changed since your last visit of convenience."

"The professor tells me that change is constructive, that different is good." Alan replied in a superious tone.

The cat finally snapped her attention to Alan fully, "Different denotes neither bad nor good but it certainly means not the same. Hatter knows more about different than you could hope to achieve. After all he is your rebellious nature. All young men have them."

Alan rose from his leaning position on the rails of the car and approached Cheshire with accusation, "He may know different but does he know the difference between good and bad? I'd say 'no' quite personally."

His temper was briefly distracted by a swarm of Bolterfly's, the pests from the Dutchess' and infesting his beautiful landscape. They were breaking the glass and eating at the wire of the rail.

"Making friends, dear? So randomly lethal and entirely confused...You'd make a fine soldier, love." She purred.

"So you say, but I don't believe either of us are fond of trenches." Alan countered wisely.

"Predictably rash. And yet another commonality. You are getting good at this love. Now hold on, and as they say, shut up." With that the ratty and bone thin cat disappeared without a trace.

"So typical..." Alan sighed bracing for the impact of the tram cart into the side of the Hatter's Factory.

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