chapter five

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As I woke up in my half of Lincolns bedroom and I feel the urge of need to talk to Octavia. To know if she was entertaining his fantasy about trusting these unfamiliar people. As these thoughts walk through my head, Lincoln and Octavia walk into the room and with one glance I take note of Octavia's disgusted look and my urge is satisfied to know she isn't giving energy into him being a guard.

"What happened to you Lincoln?" I asked him barely being able to speak without tears falling down my face

"E nothing has cha-"

"Everything has changed! Lexa is the heda Lincoln. Anya is presumed dead. Titus has men looking for me! Im going to be put into conclave and you have a bounty on you." I sighed before continuing. "So no Lincoln, everything has changed."

"You'll be fine Elizabeth." He says in a dismissive tone

As soon as those words leave Lincolns mouth I hit him. Hard enough to cause blood but not to do any other harm. Lincoln looks at me with a sense of guilt and Octavia looks at me proud yet shocked.

"God Lincoln, you're so far gone from the man that watched me sleep because he was terrified someone would take me. What happened to forever"


Two weeks. I've seen her everyday for two weeks and all I can comprehend is that I want to protect her for as long as I physically can. I notice how when she sleeps she only looks peaceful when I rub her back. I notice she will only ask for a second plate of food if I look at her and ask her. I think she notices me staring because she looked at me and giggled and tapped my forehead. I smile at her and realize I need her to know my thoughts. I pick her up and place her on my lap.

"E. I need to promise you something. Listen, I will always protect you and I swear to you, you will not be placed into that conclave."

" Forever?"


A year. She's seen what damage them damn mountain men can do and she's petrified and I cannot do anything but soothe her and remind her that she's safe and I won't let them get her. She looks over at me and asks me for reassurance so I look at her and speak.

"Forever E."


I look at Octavia and then back at EJ and it hits me what im doing. Im breaking my promise to her. I made E cry.

"Im so sorry Ellie." I muttered.

She flashes a smile telling me that she knows but she's still hurt. I smile back and nod. As she leaves I look to Octavia and nod for her to go after her. I take my jacket off and hang it up and sit down with the only one thought in my head

How the hell am I going to fix this?

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