Whats wrong?

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(The drawing up top was made by me, the characters are Vicky and Cobain)
Massacre wakes up and gets out of bed, walks to the kitchen and begins to cook. Before he's able to finish his doorbell rings, he cuts off the stove and walks to the door, he opens it and there stands Vanessa.
She looks as if something was troubling her, he invites her in and asks her what's wrong.
She sits down on his sofa to face him while he continues making his breakfast
"Its Cobain.." Vicky says in a shy voice
"What about him? Did something happen?"
"No, not really I mean, I.. I think
I'm in love with him"
"Oh" Massacre replies unfazed
"Shh, Cobain is next door. And yes, I kind of did know before you, unless you've know for a long time and just didn't say anything"
"Hmmm, well, I've liked him since middle school, I've just.. I don't want to ruin our friendship over it"
"Trust me Vicky, your relationship won't be ruined."
"how can you be so sure..?" Vicky questions
"I'm pretty sure he likes you too"
"Shut up Vicky he's gonna hear you;
He's always looking at you, except for when he's zoned out, whenever you walk in a room he always greets you with a smile, when you offer him a cigarette he always accepts even though he's trying to quit"
"He's trying to quit?" Vicky asks shamefully
"Yeah, but I guess the guy can't say no to you" Massacre remarks before snickering
"Wait, so, you think that if I ask him out he'll say yes??"
"yep, not a doubt in my mind."

*a few days pass after this incident*

✨Shit Heads✨
Vicky: Hey guys, wanna go get a drink somewhere?
Cobain: yeah sure, where u got in mind?
Vicky: I was thinking that new bar down town, u know, the one that used to be a bakery?
Cobain: yeah, ik what ur talking abt, I'm down
Mass: Sorry guys I can't, I've got a bit of work to get done today. You guys go without me
Vicky: Oh nooo!! Sucks to be u😛
Cobain: Sucks
Cobain: anyway, Vicky, what time should I be there?
Vicky: I was just about to head up there so I guess in like 20 minutes or so?
Cobain: Sounds good, see u there

Massacre skipping out was part of a bigger plan to get Vicky and Cobain alone together so she could try to ask him out

Vicky arrives at the bar and waits around outside for 3 minutes before Cobain shows up on his Harley

"Hey, earlier than I expected you to show" Vicky remarks
"Yeah well, maybe I was excited to have a drink" Cobain replies just as sarcastically
They walk inside and sit at the bar beside each other
"Rum and Coke on the rocks" Vicky orders
"Gonna need to see some ID" the bartender replies
Vicky pulls out her drivers license and hands it to the bartender
"Alright, now what do you want?" The bartender says turning to Cobain
"Um, ill have a... Uhh..."
Cobain has difficulty ordering for himself and talking to people he isn't familiar with.
"He'll have a Strawberrita" Vicky orders for him
"Alright, that'll do." Says the bartender before turning back around t begin making their drinks
"Strawberrita? Really?" Cobain asks sarcastically
"Whaat? Its a good drink! Trust me, you'll like it"
"Alright, okay, I trust you"

Their drinks arrive and they drink

"okay Vicky, you were right, that shit was good.
" Hey, uh Cobain?"
"there's something I've been uh, that I've been wanting to ask you for a few years now.. And by a few I mean many, like a really really long time, I think like 15 years-"
"You're rambling, please get to the point, you're worrying me."
"oh, alright, well, this is sort of.. Embarrassing.."
"umm... Do you.. Uh.. I've.. You see we've been friends for so long I.. Oh how do I say this.."
"what is it!?"
"I.. I think I'm in love with you Cobain, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, I was just so scared that our relationship would fall apart and you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, I.. I've like you since middle school, I-"
Cobain interrupts Vicky by pulling her into a hug
"I think I'm in love with you too, Vicky"
"Massacre was pointing it out to me the other day an suddenly everything clicked, it all made sense."
"So.. You.. 'Want' to be with me?" Vicky asks
Cobain doesn't answer, he simply leans in to Vicky and kisses her
"Does that answer your question?"
"I.. Uh... I think it does"

After this the two ride back to Cobains apartment and spend the night together.

(They don't do nothin' nasty, they have a romantic sleepover, making pillow forts and shit)

(OC backstory) Massacre x 2DWhere stories live. Discover now