𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓸𝓷.

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[F/C] - Favorite color

[H/C] - Hair color

[H/L] - Hair length


She woke up 8:00 am sharp. She had to reach her office by 8:30 and she should probably drop by the pet adoption center. That is why she woke up 15 minutes early. 

She quickly put on her [F/C]* slippers, and made her way to the kitchen. She should probably make herself a quick meal with some coffee and just get out of her hotel early. She made herself some toast with an egg and some coffee.

She sat down on her couch and put on the TV to watch the news of the day. ''I hwope thwere's somefthing interesting happwening todayf..'' She mumbled with her mouth full of toast.

''Hello fellow people! Welcome to OstaniaTV, I am your host Amelia Ledger and today, we will look at today's top headlines!'' The host said, she was almost animated. 'Wow.. so lively' [Y/N] rolled her eyes. 

''First of, we have more information about Mr. Donovan Desmond who is the Chairman of the National Unity Party of Ostania. It is rumored that his second son, Mr. Damian Desmond, is going to be attending the prestigious Eden Academy!'' The host finished with a fake smile. She was faking joy. 

Though upon hearing this [Y/N]'s eyes widened. 'Does Twilight know about this? Hm.. He probably does know but it doesn't hurt to call him and ask' 

So she finished her breakfast quickly, gulping down her coffee, she turned off the TV and grabbed her phone. She quickly dialed his fake number and put the phone to her ear. And almost immediately, Twilight answered: 

''Hello, [C/N], anything wrong?'' His voice sounded calm, yet she could sense that he was a little worried since she doesn't call him that often. He's always like this, even when she called him that one time to ask about Operation Strix. ''Nothing's wrong, anyways I have some news about Operation Strix''

''I heard that Donovan Desmond's son, Damian Desmond is going to Eden. So you should send your daughter to that Academy. Though I'm sure you already knew'' She said as she started putting on her shoes. ''Yes, I know already. But thanks for reminding me, [C/N]'' 


She and Twilight then said their goodbyes. She put on her coat and took her umbrella, and walked out, locking her door. 


She walked towards the Bus Stop and waited for the bus. After a while she boarded the Bus and sat down on a seat near to the window. She gazed out, the wind making her [H/C]*, [H/L]* hair flow. 


She sighed as the bus stopped. She stood up and walked towards the door, unboarding the bus, she walked towards the pet adoption center. 

She saw a center that was a little small but who was she to judge. She always knew that animals needed large areas to stretch their legs. Oh well. 

She entered and the first thing she noticed was the stinky odor of animals. Oh god it was awful. ''Welcome to Ostania's Number 1 pet adoption center Miss! My name is James, and how may I help you today?'' The worker behind the counter smiled at her. This was their number 1? Okay.

She just nodded her head and said ''Right.. I'm looking to adopt a dog. Just show me the younger ones please'' She mumbled and started following the guy. She decided on a dog because she thought that cats would be harder to keep and a dog would be useful for her mission. 

The guy took her to a cramped room full of kennels that were way too small for some dogs. He walked ahead but [Y/N] stopped when she saw a black-furred dog. It was staring at her intensely. It pushed it's head back when she reached her hand into the kennel and petted him on the head. And wow, her heart melted right there. 

The guy⎯ James, looked back and made an ''OH!'' sound. He came up to her and said ''Ah.. so you like this one? He's a long haired German Shephard. He's about.. 5 months old? So he's still pretty young and has a long way to go before death comes knocking on his door. Hahaha!'' He chuckled and looked at her, who was as unimpressed as ever. ''Not funny.. I guess..'' The guy mumbled sadly.

Turning her attention towards the dog, she muttered ''You look like someone I know..'' The dog wagged it's tail. She noticed that he had a red collar on, which was worn out, it had dirt stuck to it and a few holes here and there. ''I'd like this one, please'' She said nonchalantly. She doesn't know why she chose him. She still didn't see the other ones but.. he was special. 

''Yes, of course!'' James said quickly and opened the cage to get the dog out. It took a while but he was successful in doing so. She looked back to the other dogs that were trapped in the cages and couldn't help the sad sigh that left her, ''I'm sorry..'' She mumbled and left the room. Though she was still a little happy that she was able to help one dog out of this misery.

James washed the dog and gave him a new collar. Then turned to her: 

''Alright ma'am, I will need your name and sign on this paper!'' James said happily while the dog was standing next to her, still staring at her intently. 

''Alright'' She said and wrote down her name and signed the paper after quickly scanning through the contents to see if the paper was about something else. No one could be trusted here in Ostania. 

She handed the guy the paper and looked at the dog. The guy however was NOT okay. ''[Y/N]!?'' He gasped, his face converting to that of horror. ''Oh my god Miss [Y/N]! I AM SO SORRY THAT I SPOKE TO YOU THAT RUDELY! Please don't arrest me!'' He had tears in his eyes now, and was almost close to sobbing. 

''Relax. I have no information regarding you that is.. suspicious enough to arrest you'' She closed her eyes, a small smile gracing her lips, ''Though, you should probably not sing when you are in the shower.. or ever. I heard you are getting a lot of noise complaints hm?'' She opened her eyes to see James blush, ''I⎯ I'm sorry!'' He stuttered. 

''Anyways, may I take my leave?'' She asked as he nodded his head vigorously. James gave her a leash and she buckled it onto her newfound companion's collar. He waved her bye and after she was out of the door, he exhaled a deep sigh, wiping his forehead.

[Y/N] looked towards her companion, and the dog looked at her. ''What should I name you? Hm..'' She thought hard. The dog's black and fluffy hair reminded her of that annoying brat. The dog's red collar reminded her of his blood-red eyes. 

''Yuri Briar.. Yuri? Briar? Yuuuuuuri?'' She tested his name on her tongue. Then suddenly her eyes lit up. ''Yu!'' She exclaimed happily. The dog⎯ Now named Yu, barked happily, his tail wagging from side-to-side. It seems that getting a pet was a good idea.


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