𝓥𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂

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[E/C] - Eye color


[Y/N] should probably go meet Twilight and his family . Well.. fake family to be precise. She could bring him some flowers, and for the kid, she knew that Anya liked peanuts. While Yor.. she was weird just like her brother. Maybe it just.. runs in the family. Who knows.

She could just drop of Yu at a pet daycare nearby and pick him up at a later time. She could also go to the flower-shop and the market to grab the other stuff. Though there was one small little thing that she nearly missed. What does Yor even like? She didn't know. So what should she get Yor? A dress? Flowers? Something to eat? Gosh, this was hard. Actually scratch that, social interaction was hard. 

She couldn't just call her and ask her ''Hey Yor, tell me what you like right now!'' Noooo! That was weird..

She sighed, her eyes were half-lidded as she made a small evening snack(Because she was hungry). Yu was looking at her with those adorable eyes of his'. His tail wagging in anticipation. She knew he was indirectly asking her for some of her food. And she knew he knew that she was not going to give her some. But those eyes! 

She gave in. She gave her some of her eggs which were half-cooked. Perfect for dogs. She guessed.

She yawned, she should get ready soon. 


She showered, dried her hair, put on some cloths that deemed comfortable and hooked the leash onto Yu's collar. 'Alright, time to go I guess' She internally said to herself as she walked out the house, securely locked the house and placed the key into her small purse. 


After a small walk, she reached the pet daycare. This was a trusted organization, approved by the WISE. There were even some workers and spies from WISE working here. Good. She didn't want Yu to get into wrong hands. 

She walked in and was immediately welcomed by Thomas, she recognized him, an amateur spy from WISE. He really wanted to become as famous as Twilight and her. ''Hey, Identifier'' She eyed him. His brownish hair almost covered his emerald eyes. ''You need to get a haircut soon'' She warned, ''It could become a handicap for you in your line of work'' She looked at him, her eyes narrowing at him. 

''Yes Miss [Y/N]!'' He whisper-shouted, while swiping his hair to the side, only for it to fall back right where it was seconds ago. [Y/N] chuckled, ''No need to be so secretive This is an organization trusted by the WISE'' He nod, then tried to blow his hair out of his eyes and miserably failing. This made her chuckle.

''Alright now.. I want you to take care of my dog, his name is Yu, he likes almost every type of dog food Ostania can provide'' She was amused to say the least. ''Okay!'' Thomas Noble confidently.


She dropped Yu of, saying her goodbyes with some pets for him and a small hug. While Yu gave her an enthusiastic bark.

She dropped by the flower shop and got lilies for Loid and roses for Yor, the shopkeeper tied them into 2 beautiful bouquets. Then the supermarket, for buying peanuts. While she was in the market, she saw a color-book made for kids. She immediately thought of Anya and lost all the self control she had. She didn't know why but she bought the color-book along with 3 packets of peanuts. 


She reached the hotel after 30 minutes. Her hotel was near to there's. But she had to go buy them stuff or it might seem rude to just barge in there. It was pretty cheap, so she didn't mind too much.


She rang the doorbell, only for her to hear loud, stomping, footsteps getting louder as she saw the small shadow of a person through the cracks under the door. What the heck was happening.

She was immediately on her guard when the person slowly opened the door. Blood-red eyes meeting [E/C]* ones. The jet black hair was all too familiar. ''[Y/N] SENPAI!?'' Yuri Briar screamed at the top of his lungs. She was sure that the aliens on Mars could hear his fucking scream.

She winced, and then said a small ''Hi, Yuri'' Well, this was a pleasant coincidence. She knew that Yor and Yuri were siblings. And that Yuri had a sister complex. And that the fact they Yor and Yuri were together was bad. Very bad. 

''Yuri? Who's there at the door?'' She heard the voice of a young woman and guessed that it was Yor, and alas it was her. ''Uhm.. who are you?'' She nervously laughed. '' [Y/N] Forger'' She introduced herself, ''Pleased to meet you, Miss Yor'' She smiled politely and Yor's eyes-widened. She turned to look towards her husband who smiled at her ''Hey [Y/N ]'' 

After looking at Yor's and Yuri's expression, Loid scratched his neck and said ''She's my younger sister'' Wow Twilight. 'Younger?'   Way to rub it into her face.

He invited her in and she walked past Yuri, who was still gaping at her. ''Here you go'' She reached inside her big bag and handed him a bouquet of lilies. Then turned to Yor to give her roses. She looked at Yuri apologetically as he walked in, ''Sorry, I didn't know you were coming, so I didn't get you a bouquet. She then turned her attention to Anya who was staring at her with wide eyes ''Annnddd.. here you go Anya!'' She gave her a small bag with cute pastel colors, to which Anya smiled. That too a wide smile while she happily exclaimed ''Thank you nice aunty !'' 

Okay that hurt but we don't talk about that. Did she look that old?? Oh god, she hopes not. 

''Ahh! Thank you [Y/N]! I really love roses!'' Yor smiled happily. ''Yuri look! She got me flowers!'' She showed her brother who gave her a bright smile, ''Yeah! She's nice isn't she? Did you know she works with me at the foreign ministry!'' 

''Foreign ministry? What? Yuri, what are you talking about? We work at the S-'' Before she could finish her sentence, Yuri grabbed her hand and pulled her towards a corner. Away from Yor. ''[Y/ N] Senpai!! Shhhh! My big sister doesn't know that I work for the SSS! I don't want to put her in any danger! Please help me out'' He shushed her and then pleaded, giving her puppy- eyes. ''Right.. alright I guess'' She raised and eyebrow at him. ''Thanks Senpai! I knew I could trust you!'' He gave her a close-eyed smile with made her breath hitch but she paid it no mind.

He ran back towards Twilight and Yor. It seemed like he was giving Twilight death glares.. while Yor looked as happy as ever. Oh Yor, only if you knew. ''What were you two talking about?'' Yor asked while [ Y/N] sighed, ''Work. We have too much work to do.. even on breaks we still can't relax'' She feigned being sad and Yor comforted her. 

Yuri Briar then turned to look at her, his smile turning to an even bigger one, ''Thank you'' He mouthed. She smiled back. Maybe he wasn't that annoying..


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